POLITICS: Response to Open letter to Adrian Peterson/AWR
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POLITICS: Response to Open letter to Adrian Peterson/AWR

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------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Mon, 8 Sep 1997 12:53:34 -0400 (EDT)
To:            hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx, swltalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, crippel@xxxxxxxx,
               DXAS@xxxxxxxx, Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxx, kb6zv@xxxxxxxx
From:          "W.A. Merriman" <merriman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:       swltalk: Open letter to Adrian Peterson/AWR

I just read in DSWCI that AWR Forli, Italy is planning to run a 
Special Broadcast directed to North America on 7240 kHz.

This frequency, 7240 kHz is exclusivly reserved for use by the
Amateur Radio Service in North America and under International
Broadcasting rules it is illegal to use this frequeny for broad-
casts directed to North America.  

It is requested that you cancel any plans to use 7240 kHz for any
broadcasts directed to North America for any reason.  In the 41
Meter Band frequencies above 7300 kHz are reserved for International

Thank You

Alan Merriman- K 4 G L U

This is the only way AWR can accommodate SWL's in North America.  It is
a very low power xmiter and the transmission may not even make it
here.   AWR have used that frequency for a good while and I expect
that they will simply slew their antenna toward ECNA so those who are
interested will have a small chance of hearing it.  Yes, they could
change frequencies but no doubt the expense an technical effort
required would scuttle the effort entirely.

Like you, I wish that 40M was clear through out the evening but its
not and the greatest likelihood is that it will never be.  

I support AWR's effort for a special broadcast to benefit US SWL's. 
This is a 1 or 2 time event and will cause no more inconvenience than
if I decided to have a QSO on 7240 during the same time period.  Keep
in mind that when AWR makes their transmission, they will be making
what is most certainly a hobby broadcast, no different in spirt from
an Amateur transmission.

What AWR is doing is not much different in spirit from the broadcasts
the NRC organizes which may or may not interfere with other stations
who may be otherwise protected during the test period on a given
frequency.   Neither cause any real harm but a few folks may have a
good time chasing what will no doubt difficult and challenging DX.

Having been a licensed amateur for nearly 25 years, I see the 
greatest challenge to amateurs today as the need to clean our 
bands up from within a top priority.  Many hams today are little more
than white collar CB'ers and have little pride in Amateur Radio. There
are some hams among us who are unable to install a connector on a
piece of co-ax or build a home brew dipole to use as an antenna. 
Thus, from the lack of respect for the type of operations we
accommodate from each other,  we have the conditions on the bands
today.  Just listen to 80M any evening for a graphic example of what I

While I don't support lawless confusion on our amateur bands, I don't
feel opposing a low power AWR hobby broadcast whose only aim is to
benefit the SWBX DX hobby is where we should make our stand.


Chuck Rippel, WA4HHG


Chuck Rippel         
