[HCDX]: TFW 42 4/4
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[HCDX]: TFW 42 4/4

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1997  Part  4
Year  2   Number 42  - Rome,  10 November  1997 

USA - The 500 kW SW station in Maine previously known as WCSN and WVHA
has finally been sold. The buyer is LeSea Broadcasting, owner of WHRI
and KWHR. Price was only $1.5 million, and this may drive down the price
for other SW stations on sale, such as WRMI asking $650K. Due to
regulatory red tape, the Maine station is not expected back on the air
until December (George Thurman, TX  and WORLD OF RADIO 916/ SW/DX
Report  30 October 97/ SW/DX Report  30 October 97)

USA - [non]. The Brother Stair relay via DTK Germany for W97, schedule
previously given, does not start until Nov 1, as B.S. has announced on
his program, heard by Jim Moats. A satellite link from Walterboro to
Juelich is being set up. At 0200-0400, DTK schedule shows both B.S. and
Croatian Radio on 5840; I am already hearing the latter //6120 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, Oct 30 and WORLD OF RADIO 916 / SW/DX Report  30 October 97)

USA - SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother Stair's relays via Germany are now
underway, on somewhat different sked than originally in DTK listings:
0000-0200 5840, 0200-0400 5880, 7335 (swamping CHU which never gets any
respect), all to NAm, as announced by B.S. on non //WWCR-7435 at 0237
Nov 4 and confirmed; rest of the sked he gave, mostly with incorrect
local time conversions, so let's hope the freqs are right: 0600-0800 ANZ
9500, 1600-1800 Eu 6175, 1700-1900 ME 11650. Says he has option to go
24h on "Radio Jewlick" (Glenn Hauser, OK/ SW DX Report 97-20, Nov 4,

VIETNAM - [non]. VOV relay in Spanish at 0300-0330, English 0330-0400 is
on new 5905 ex-7260. Wonder if this is Germany now instead of Russia
97-20, Nov 4, 1997)


WORLD OF RADIO SCHEDULE--as of November 4, 1997 from Glenn Hauser,
effective November 4:  NOTE: this reflects time shifts for winter after
DST is over; this is posted only when there have been changes since last
time. On WWCR Nashville, Thu 2130 15685, Sat 0700 5070 AND 3210, Sat
1230 5070, [Sun 0230 5070 deleted], Sun 0730 5070 [NEW], Mon 0400 3215,
Tue 1330 15685. On RFPI Costa Rica: Fri 2000, Sat 0400, 1100, 1800, Sun
0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900, Wed 0300, 1000--on 15050 AM in
1900-2400 period, 7385 2200-1200, 6070-USB 0000-1200, 21465-USB probably
1800-2400, as resumed at least testing from Nov 3. On WGTG, Georgia, UT
Tue 0500 on 5085-USB. If the tape arrives before Monday additional
unscheduled times may occur, such as UT Mon 0600 on 5085-USB or on 9400
Sat, Sun daytime. If the tape does not arrive until Tuesday, backup time
is UT Wed at 0600 (Hauser, OK USA Nov 4)

Hello, all!  We have a couple of new transmissions, one on WHRI and one
(To:  Americas/Caribbean) 0600 - 0630 Saturday 7315 kHz --- 1830 - 1900
Saturday 9495 kHz --- 2330 - 2400 Saturday 9495 kHz --- 1330 - 1400
Sunday (new) 15105 kHz.  WHRI Angel 2 (To: Europe/Middle
East/Africa/Russia/N Am) 0600 - 0630 Saturday 5760 kHz ---       1530 -
1600 Saturday 13760 kHz --- 2300 - 2330 Saturday 5745 kHz --- 1830 -
1900 Sunday  13760 kHz. KWHR Angel 3 (To: Asia/Pacific) 0230 - 0300
Saturday 17510 kHz --- 1200 - 1230 Saturday 11565 kHz --- 0030 - 0100
Sunday (new) 17510 kHz --- 1630 - 1700 Sunday  7560  kHz ---      1830 -
1900 Sunday  7560  kHz.  Thanks for tuning in to DXing with Cumbre!

<  Marconi ha dato agli uomini un nuovo
modo di conoscersi, di aiutarsi, di 
amarsi, quale nessun  poeta o scienziato
aveva mai immaginato.  >
                                                  Nuova Antologia 

< La conoscenza e' la prima forma di liberta'. >
                                                       Giovanni Serra 

< Un uomo che abbia qualcosa da dire
e non trovi chi l' ascolta,
se la passa male.
Ma ancora peggio
se la passano gli ascoltatori
che non trovano nessuno
che abbia qualcosa da dire >
                                              Bertold Brecht, 1927
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