Re: [HCDX]: R.San Marino Intl. once again...
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Re: [HCDX]: R.San Marino Intl. once again...

>You can come up with many many examples of unique cases...I don't know if
>the S. Marino site was used...And I guess we'll never know.  It possibly
>wasn't..they surely claimed it, tho..and I am one to claim that the
>Government's "OK" doesn't hold water...Just look at the Pirate scene in the
>70's with Caroline and R. Nordsee International...

Lets get real!  What does a station operating from International 
Waters that belong to no country have to do with a bunch of
dorks who illegally go somewhere and operate a radio station that
they have no license for?  This is like comparing apples and oranges
for goodness sakes.

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