[HCDX]: GE Superradio II, Realistic TRF
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[HCDX]: GE Superradio II, Realistic TRF


Sometime back,  I came across a site that had a nice picture of the GE
SR II. Of course, I didn't bookmark it so if anyone can point me to the
site, I would appreciate it. Also, does anyone have any pictures (or
know of a site with pictures) of the  RS TRF radios? If so, I'd
appreciate an e-mail.

I'm continually updating the WHAMLOG page (almost daily) with mainly
mediumwave or BCB specific links, though there's a bit for everyone.
WHAMLOG (Western Hemisphere AM Log) and WHAMFM files files are updated
monthly and new links on my page include the recent addition of a
DXpedition page,  a link to the Hammond Museum of Radio (here in Guelph,
ON) and links to very useful homebrew circuits to mention only a few.
Want some crystal radio or loop antenna circuits? Then have a look at my
page and let me know if there's something you think I might  include.
Werner Funkenhauser
WHAMLOG Page:  http://home.inforamp.net/~funk

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