RE: [HCDX]: G Hauser's SW/DX 98-55
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RE: [HCDX]: G Hauser's SW/DX 98-55

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Glenn Hauser
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 1998 11:47 AM
To: ghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [HCDX]: G Hauser's SW/DX 98-55
KOREA SOUTH. The website I copied for RKI doesn't work, as you
may have found out too. Rechecked via (which
has been redesigned so now you have more steps to get to the
links, no improvement), and this is it:


Re the redesign of our Web site, if one bookmarks the "Radio" sub-page
you're one click away from the links. Otherwise you're two clicks away.
We flattened the site and cleaned up individual pages, and IMHO made the
Web site easier to navigate.

Key info pages -- the Winter SWL Festival near Philadelphia and the
ANARC SWL Net -- are directly accessible from the "Radio" page.

Until now, all comments had been favorable. Oh well... we tried. Happy
New Year, all.

Tom Sundstom
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