Re: [HCDX]: Returning QSL's to stations
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Re: [HCDX]: Returning QSL's to stations

On QSLing, I have been QSLing since 1965 with a return rate of 90% or
better, but not on the first try.
Sure, I try to send a "fresh" report if I can log the station again, but
sometimes that is not possible. QSling is up to the person.
Some do not like prepared cards or form letters. I'll take it anyway I
Always be polite and try to send a gift with your reports if you can.
Be it a postcard or two, whatever. I try to send a taped report when I
can. At least for MW station (small broadcasters), it makes the job of
answering a report so much easier. No logs to check, just pop in the
tape. A few broadcasters do not want a tape and that is fine. I am an
acid MW QSLer with 2536 MW QS:s in my collented. I have about another
500 on FM,TV,SW,etc.
In this day, it takes alot more work to get a QSL, but to me it is
really worth it.
Patrick Martin
Seaside  Oregon
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