Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Mistakes and questions for Aussie MW stations
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Mistakes and questions for Aussie MW stations

At 21:46 30/12/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dave:
>I haven't even bought the 99 WRTH and after reading all the Australian
>mistakes, I can imagine what the other countries are like. Is there any
>changes on MW that matter in the book?  Comments anyone? Is is worth
>buying the book?  73s, Patrick

Hi Patrick.

Yeah I would buy the WRTH. Even though there are a few mistakes it is still
the most reliable book for MW dx. There is more good than bad in the current

To be fair, there are always going to be mistakes.. it's the nature of the
hobby that data changes so quickly.. more so for SW than MW.  

I think its up to active guys like ourselves to help the WRTH out and send
them notable changes. I've sent a copy of my corrections onto Milton Keynes.

I think its one thing to gather information from databases but you really
need the ears telling you what is actually on air.

I'm not sure what the other countries are like I suppose it depends on how
accurate the contributing editors are. 

Its still a good read and reference Patrick.


This Email originated from David Onley
Mediumwave & Tropical Band Dxer
Melbourne, Australia

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