[HCDX]: some Bolivians
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[HCDX]: some Bolivians

good conditions to Bolivia last night:

4649  Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma; August 24, 0000-0010, Spanish,
news, ID with echo effect, Andean music.  23322

4777.8  Radio A.N.D.E.S., Uyuni; August 23, 2350-2400, Spanish, Andean
folklore, ID by jingle.  22322

4854.9  Radio Centenario, Santa Cruz; August 23, 2300-2315,
Spanish, religious program, ID.  3 3 3 2 2-3

4875  Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz; August 23, 2315-2330, Aymará or Quechua
(?), religious program called "La Voz del Nazareno", advertisement in
Spanish, IDs & QRGs, station mixing with Rádio Súper Roraima.  22322

4925.8  Radio San Miguel, Riberalta; August 23, 2340-2350, Spanish, report
about Fidel Castro, time announcement.  23322

4945  Radio Illimani, La Paz; August 23, 2330-2340, Spanish, political
information, news and reports, ID.  34333

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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