Re: [HCDX]: 5035 unid
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Re: [HCDX]: 5035 unid

I would bet Joe Howell's unid is Radio Aparecida in
Brazil. Although he said it was in Spanish, it's easy
to mistake Portuguese for Spanish if you are not
familiar with the languages. The city of Aparecida is
the site of the holy shrine of the patron saint of
Brazil. The station is owned by the Roman Catholic
church and carries lots of religious programming -
which fits exactly with the programming he described. I
don't know where Joe is located, but here in Iowa in
the central USA, Radio Aparecida is frequently heard
around 0000 UTC. There are a couple of parallel
frequencies - 9630 and 11855 - and often one or both of
those can be heard at the same time with identical

As to the other listed Brazilian, Radio Educacao in
Coari, that is also owned by the Catholic church, but
as the name implies it is an educational station. I
don't recall seeing reports of that one being heard (in
North America at least) for some years. When it was
heard it didn't carry much purely religious

The Guatemalan on 5040, by the way, is very rarely
reported. It is actually a harmonic of La Voz de
Nahuala's 3360 frequency. 1.5 X 3360 = 5040. Huh? A
one-and-a-half harmonic? The explanation I have heard
is that apparently La Voz de Nahuala has a crystal for
1680 kHz and gets on 3360 by forcing the second
harmonic of that frequency (a very intentional
harmonic). Thus 3x1680=5040, the rarely heard "1.5
harmonic" of 3360 kHz.

Don Moore   mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx

Don Moore     mooredxer@xxxxxxxxx
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