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Dear friends,
    STANAG means STANDARD NATO AGREEMENTS which are agreements on all kinds of standardisation (procedures, equipment, etc.) which the 19 nations in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have agreed upon.
    Best 73,    
-----Original Message-----
From: B Lodge <donuk@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Hard Core DX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, January 24, 2000 9:19 PM
Subject: [HCDX]: STANAG

Dear friends
Perhaps everybody knows more about this subject than me, but what is STANAG.
I was chatting to Noel Green the other day.  He has logged lots of
frequencies, e.g. 3326, 3366, 3386, 1640,2385, 5050, 6250, 6360, 6895 7306
and 7422.  There are many others going up to 21,000+.  I believe it is an
inter governmental communication using some sort of coded transmission
system. I thought that some of this noise was generated locally to me, but
apparently not.  I now know why I cannot get GNE on 6250 any more.
Does anybody have more information?

Many thanks in advance

Don Phillips
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