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1240 kHz - CJAV - BC, Port Alberni, good on top w/ AV-1240 IDs, wxcast
at 0430 EDT 6/26. (PM-OR)

1260 kHz - CBRU - BC, Squamish-good on top //CBU-690, CBC pgm at 0215
EDT 6/26 (PM-OR)

1310 kHz - CHLW - AB, St. Paul, fair on top w/C&W mx "LW" IDs at 0345
EDT 6/26 (PM-OR)

1340 kHz - CINL - BC, Ashcroft, fair above jumble w/AC mx "NL" IDs
//610-CHNL at 0423 6/26 (PM-OR)

1400 KhZ - CIOR - BC, Princeton fair in jumble with "CKOR" IDs //800 at
0355 EDT 6/26. (PM-OR)

1450 kHz - KONP - WA, Port Angeles on top w/KONP-Port Angeles ID going
into Net News at 0359.50 EDT 6/26. Was looking for CHOR, but no luck.

1560 kHz - WPAD - KY, Paducah, fair mixing with KNZR w/WW1 NOS format.
ID at 0327 EDT 6/26 "15-60 WPAD". Vest heard in several weeks. No sign
of KKAA.

1610 kHz - TIS - OR, Tillamook County. New TIS noted at 2335 EDT 6/25,
giving info on the Tillamook Burn and forest info.(PM-OR)

Drake R8
term. 400' Northern Beverage
term. 1500' Eastern Beverage
term. 200' EWE antenna

Patrick Martin
PO Box 843
Seaside  OR  97138-0843

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