[HCDX] Loggings from Grayland, WA and Victoria, BC.
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[HCDX] Loggings from Grayland, WA and Victoria, BC.

Some great loggings at Grayland (with the help of a number of great Beverage antennae), and more recently right here in Victoria. Enjoy! DX season is upon us:

UZBEKISTAN 9715 1328 in Hindi with lots of mentions of Uzbekistan and address given. Followed at 1330 with interval signal (one of my favourites!), then "Radio Tashkent calling", once, some music, then, "This is Radio Tashkent" by an American sounding announcer announcing the use of 16, 19, 31 and 49 meter bands. Fair, best on LSB to avoid splash. Parallel 7285 about the same strength. (Salmaniw, Grayland, WA 22 Sept.).

SRI LANKA 9770 1430, DW interval signal, then off. Hymn heard, then SLBC ID in English, and time check for 8:30, followed by more English religous music. Fair, with parallel 15425 only weakly heard. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 22 Sept).

RUSSIA 13705 Recently reported reactivation of the Taldom transmitter site near Moscow. Heard at 1536 with Radio Rossii, fair. Parallel 17660 only poor. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 22 Sept).
17595 Voice of Russia World Service, English at 0238, with FM like quality, with Russian folk music. Parallels 17595 very good (only!!), unlisted 12000 almost FM like, 7180 good. Interestingly, the following evening, reception was only marginal! (Salmaniw, Grayland WA 23 Sept).

ROMANIA 15180 Radio Romania International, English to Europe at 2147 poor to fair, with an American being interviewed about environmental issues. Parallels 15105 good, 11940 poor, 11740 good to very good, but this was covered by WYFR interval signal at 2155. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 22 September).

BOLIVIA 3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski heard with fair reception at 0158 with sign-off announcements. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

GUATEMALA 4052.54 presumed Radio Verdad. Spanish music at 0211, with lots of static crashes. Poor. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 September).

ALBANIA 7159.82 Radio Tirana at 0230 with sign-on announcements, schedule, and news highlights. Very good, in English. Parallel 6115.07 only poor to fair. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

HUNGARY 9835 Radio Budapest, in English at 0236 with excellent reception except for a pesky ute. Program about agriculture. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).
6025 Radio Budapest at 0340 with Ukrainian program. Fair, best on K9AY. A good European opening. A very long way for an otherwise very short range, single hop transmission from Hungary to Ukraine! (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

TURKEY 11654.97 Voice of Turkey, good to very good, at 0313, with Review of Turkish press, and financial news. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

POLAND 6035 Radio Racija. Interval signal starting at 0355, with IDs every 4th or 5th time in presumed Belarussian. Only fair, but double checked at Dave Kernick's interval signal site, and confirms this was what we heard. A difficult catch, rarely reported in North America, and I wasn't even sure if they were still on, as I have not seen reports for many months. Fades out soon after 0400. Nothing heard following night. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Bandscan morning of the 23 Sept yielded the following: (times 1030 to 1230 time period).

2410 Radio Enga. Nothing at 1030, but weak audio by 1121, and carrying on past 1230. Radio play at 1152. Somewhat muffled.
3205 Radio Sandaun. Not heard. Used to be one of the strongest PNG.
3220 Radio Morobe. Possible. Weak audio heard.
3235 Radio West New Britain. Good signal in Pidgin, with program details for independance weekend. "program now", "celebration", "number one", "thank you God".
3245 Radio Gulf. Not heard.
3260 Radio Madang. Very strong with typical local instrumental, almost C & W music. In Pidgin. "Popular music", "8 o'clock", "music on Radio Madang".
3275 Radio Southern Highlands. Strong with western music, past 1200, still there at 1238 recheck.
3290 Radio Central. Fair with local choral music.
3305 Radio Western. Fair to good in English, with songs from the 80s.
3315 Radio Manus. Very strong, with music. At 1129: "Reggae family night" ad in Pidgin. Open carrier at 1208 recheck.
3325 Radio Bougainville. Appears to be on the air, but cochannel Indonesian.
3335 Radio East Sepik. Very strong. Reading letters mostly in Pidgin. "675 medium wave", "country music Rabaul", "thank you, thank you shortwave".
3345 Radio Northern. Not heard.
3355 Radio Chimbu. Not heard.
3365 Radio Milne Bay. Fair, except for ute right on top of frequency. Use LSB. Local vocals.
3375 Radio Western Highlands. Not heard.
3385 Radio East New Britain. Good signal, with public service announcements. "25 day September Council meeting", "Provincial elections", "Provincial police commander, Rabaul district". On past 1210. Entertaining ads after 1200, like: "IBM the name you can trust, Island Building and Maintenace (!!)".
3395 Radio Eastern Highlands. Not heard.
3905 Radio New Ireland. Very strong with local vocals, into song "Cecilia" at 1106.
4890 NBC superb strength with English news at 1104, heard past 1200.
(Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

THAILAND??? 6149.5 tantalizing het at 1116. Nothing more heard, but dreamed of Or Sor, Palace radio station. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

RUSSIA 4940 Radio Mix Master, Yakutsk. 1236 with Russian pop music, including the first time I've heard Russian rap music, alternating with English language tunes, including "The Power of Love". Nice ID at 1251. Where on earth did they get a name like Radio Mix-Master? Another ID and phone number at 1317. Fair, occasionally good. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

CHINA 5030 CPBS at 1423 in Chinese, with entertaining English lesson, as follows: "I'm on a diet. Are you sure you want a cheeseburger? I guess not. Maybe I'll have a salad". Very good, with parallel 7290. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

MYANMAR 5985.81 English news at 1440, and ID as Radio Myanmar at 1443:20. Nice signal except for usual adjacent splatter. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

DIEGO GARCIA 12579 USB. One of our goals at Grayland was to monitor this one. Thanks to Don Nelson, and John Bryant who correctly predicted propagation using their impressive ERGO software, faded in about 1444. Nice AFN ID at 1500, gradually fading after that. Good at times, when over the pesky continuos ute. Not parallel to the other two AFRTS stations heard at the same time, namely 6350 Pearl Harbour, and 5765 Guam. (Salmaniw, Grayland WA, 23 Sept).

OMAN 15355 Radio Sultanate of Oman at 0330. Tarzan call, then talk in English, but weak and difficult to copy. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

GREECE 7295 Radio Liberty from Kavala, well heard at 0336 with ID in Belarussian news, much stronger than Ukrainian Radio Liberty on 7245 via Spain at same time. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

VATICAN 7345 Strong signal at 0340 with Interval signal into Lituanian. Unusual to hear this one so strong. A good European night. Parallel 6185 heard under Mexico's Radio Educacion on 6184.98. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

BELARUS 11959.98 Radio Stolitsa. Nice ID at 0350, even though my records didn't indicate weekend use. In presumed Belarussian. ID at 0400, but rapidly fading after. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

RUSSIA 11665 Unusually strong signal from Radio Tatarstan, via Samara at 0403 in Tatar. Good to very good. Mentions of Simferopol, where a large Tartar population resides (Crimea, Ukraine). (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

SAUDI ARABIA 15275 BSKSA. Nice clean signal, in the clear at 0408 with Turkish service with Holy Quran. At same time 17760 lists Somali service. Fair to good. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

MEXICO 9705.02 XERMX. In English at 0414, with "You are listening to the Mailbox". Fair to good, with some splatter. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 30 Sept).

IRAQ 11787.0 Good signal at 1946, with ID in English: "This is Baghdad, Radio Iraq International". In German when rechecked at 2003. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 1 Oct).

LIBYA 17725 Voice of Africa in Arabic at 2013. Good signal. Repeating the phrase "Arb a iy", over and over again. Big Ben chimes at 2014:30, time pips at 2015 and more Arabic talk. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 1 Oct)

ANGOLA 11954.78 'Tis the season again for Radio Nacional Anglola to be heard here in the Pacific northwest. Fair signal with portuguese easy listening music and talk at 2338.
(Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 1 Oct).

SOUTH AFRICA 11640 African Beacon heard with American religous programming at 1949. Id as African Beacon, and world beacon at 2000, with frequencies and addresses given, then back into same programming. Fair. (Salmaniw, Victoria BC, 1 Oct)

Enough for now folks! Lots of MW loggings, but most of these have been well covered by my Grayland collegues Guy Atkins, John Bryant and Don Nelson. Enjoy!


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