[HCDX] R Satelite reactivated
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[HCDX] R Satelite reactivated


Radio Satélite from Santa Cruz, Perú, is back again. The station disappeared
for several years from the sw bands and returned now on its old frequency
6725.7v. Until 1996 R Satélite was to be heard almost every night, usually
with quite good signal. Even if no other station of the
out-of-band-Peruvians came through, R Satélite almost always was audible
somehow. In those times I enjoyed the program very much. The typical mixture
of Peruvian music and the so called mensajes produced the relevant

Unfortunately the present reception quality cannot be compared to the good
signal some years ago. Obviously the transmitting power has been decreased
drastically. The next disappointment: the program!  Nothing of nice Peruvian
music, only religious stuff. On that reason it isn't tragic furthermore that
the modulation of the transmitter is poor only. It remains to say that here
in Europe the frequency 6725 is occupied often by utility services. Due to
that fact the reception of this Peruvian is not easy. For all, who want to
try it, here the logging in detail:

6725.7v  R Satélite, Santa Cruz, 17th of March 2002, 0015-0110, Spanish,
religious program, announcements of Christian events in the region, IDs;
SINPO 23322. The station was drifting from 6725.65 to 6725.82 kHz.


Michael Schnitzer  -  michael_schnitzer@xxxxxx
Receiver:  JRC NRD-525
Antennas: 25m longwire
                  DX-One Professional
                  EWE to South America
                  EWE to Asia/Pacific
Location:  Hassfurt, Germany / Alemania

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