[HCDX] More on La Consentida
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[HCDX] More on La Consentida

Trying to clarify the little understood slogan ?La
Consentida?, may I add the following to my previous

In many Latin American countries, having an
extramarital affair is not necessarily looked upon as
totally negative by third parties, unless, of course,
you are the married man and the victim of your wife?s
escapades. For better, or for worse, this is the way
it is in countries where ?macho? values are accepted.
And so slogans such as ?La Consentida?, ?the favorite
/woman/?, ?the mistress?, carry a clearly sexual
connotation. The same goes for many other less obvious
slogans such as ?Qué buena?, even if written as ?Ké
Buena?, which is just one out of hundreds of  more
elaborate compliments a Spanish language speaking male
would use when describing a sexually attractive
female. If the same characteristic, ?buena? in this
case, is applicable to ?música?, ?emisora? etc. then
there is an added bonus to the slogan, depending, of
course, on the intended target audience.

?Su emisora predilecta?, your favorite station, is a
slogan commonly used by Ecos del Torbes, in Venezuela.
This slogan is plain, and the object is clearly
stated. It refers to ?emisora? with no other
connotations implied.  And their audience is probably
adult than adolescent.

Henrik Klemetz

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