[HCDX] Grayland,WA loggings 29-30/6
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[HCDX] Grayland,WA loggings 29-30/6

A very enjoyable weekend, as always in Grayland, WA DX site using 3 700+' Beverage antennas aimed NW, W, and SW terminated on the Pacific Ocean. Receiver this time was my AOR 7030+ using ERGO 3 computer control software. Unlike other DXpeditions, conditions did not seem to favour any one area, as you can see by my loggings below. Thanks to John Bryant and Don Nelson for erecting the antennas before the arrival on Friday of myself and Nick Hall-Patch. Happy listening, and happy Canada Day to all Canadians, and an early Happy 4th of July to the Americans..........Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC Canada.

? 5080, 1358-, Russian 'names' station Jun 29 First time I've heard
anything like this.  Rather than numbers, ongoing lists of Russian names
are read.  Seems to originate from Russian Far East, as strongest on NW
Beverage.  Anyone else hear anything like this?  Ended at 1405:45.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

AUSTRALIA 2325, 12:41-, ABC Northern Territory Jun 30 Good strong signal,
with a program about religion (what do we do when we pray).  Parallel 2485
was a bit weaker, and 2310 only poor. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

BOLIVIA 5952.45, 1058-, R.Pio Doce Jun 29 Fair reception with talk by male
in Spanish.  Lots of splatter.  ?ID by YL at top of hour. Too weak to be
sure of content. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

BOLIVIA 6155.07, 0246-, R.Fides Jun 29 Decent signal best on LSB to avoid a
lot of splatter from upper side.  Latin music without any
announcements.  Brief ID at 0301, but otherwise continuous music.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

BRAZIL 4914.96, 0320-, R.Difusora Jun 29 Nice jingle ID as Radio
Difusora.  Fair + signal in Portuguese. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

BRAZIL 11815, 0258-0300*, R.Brasil Central Jun 29 Beautifiul full ID at
sign-off in Portuguese.  Interesting propagation as 11815 best using SW
Beverage, while stronger 4985 best using W Beverage. (Salmaniw, Victoria,
BC, Canada)

ECUADOR 4919, 0855-, R.Quito Jun 29 Fair reception with frequent IDs in
Spanish.  Talk by man and woman. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

LAOS 4662.28, 1208-, R.Houa Phan Jun 29 Weak talk, but equal to parallel
6130. This morning, 11:23 30/6 weak, but in the clear on 4662.24.  A
tentative logging.  Difficult for me to tell this from a Vietnamese
station.  I'll check again at 1200 for //6130.  Confirmed with Big Ben type
gongs just before 12:00. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

LAOS 7145, 1325-, R.LAOS Jun 29 Relatively strong signal in French until
just before 1330, then dead air until 1331 and ID as Lao National Radio, in
English.  Modulation must have diminished, because little heard after
this.  Lots of adjacent splatter.  Following morming at 13:11 tune in,
30/6  French monotone by YL.  About same strength as yesterday. (Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada)

MADAGASCAR 7310, 0330-, VOICE OF PEOPLE Jun 30 Fine signal tonight despite
WHRI being back on the air.  Crash start at 0330 with African music
program.  Must be a weekly Saturday night (UTC Sunday morning)
program.  About the best I've heard them except when 7315 off the air.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

MONGOLIA 12015, 1021-, VOICE OF MONGOLIA Jun 29 Good to very good signal
with English program of Mongolian music with the same woman who's been
presenting for years!  Nice to hear them so well again!. (Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada)

MYANMAR 5985.80, 1427-, R.Myanmar Jun 29 Burmese vocals at fair
level.  More or less obliterated by splatter by 14:30 when English
scheduled. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

NEW ZEALAND 9500, 1430-, Democratic Voice of Burma Jun 29 Excellent
reception.  Open carrier until 1430, when signed on in presumed Burmese,
with many mentions of kHz.  Best using LSB to avoid a bit of adjacent
splatter. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE 6925, 0512-, KRPS Jun 30 Tuned into this one with a
monologue about marijuana's safety, economic benefits of hemp.  About a S5
signal.  Signed off about 0520 IDing as KRPS. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE 6950, 0147-1650*, Voice of the Abnormal Jun 30 Very
strong signal just booming in with very clean audio, and professional
sounding programming.  QSL information.  Toke along with me.  Send the
right information to:  POB 69, Elkhorn, NEBRASKA   68022, USA.  Holy Smoke
continued, with a Gregorian sounding chant for Cannabis.  Then a song
called The Perfect Dope. Followed by Ave Maria (with a pot slant?).  Then
What if God was one of us?  What if God smoked cannabis.  0211, again
requests and comments for upcoming shows.  Elkhorn, address
again.  Unfortunately by the old clock, or wet roach, time is up.  Until we
meet again, the smoking herb is forever lit.  Remain forever
abnormal.  Into a final song about pot. Immediately off at 0215 (I have
exactly 30 minutes on the MD).  No email address given unfortunately.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

NORTH AMERICAN PIRATE 6950, 0217-1650*, KIPM Jun 30 Immediately after
completion of Voice of the Abnormal, about 90 seconds later, KIPM signed on
(haven't heard him for a while), with a S9+10 signal.  Usual sign-on 'Your
selectors are locked, your channel are ?', then slow drawn out KIPM ID,
with same Elkorn, Nebraska mail-drop.  Welcome back!  Allen Maxwell was
once an AMA licensed physician (heard this one before).  Went on to talk
about a splenectomy.  Went on until after 03:10 or so, then changed
frequency to 6925 (Maxwell is predictable that way).  Same strength and
into same sign-on ID.  When rechecked at 0432, Max had moved to 6955 with
an ad I haven't heard before, and into the Star Spangled Banner.  Please
write to KIPM.  'We need more letters.  What do you want me to do....'. '
We need every one of you to write now to KIPM.' He then proceeds to suck
one of his eyeballs out with a vacuum.  Has Maxwell totally lost it
now?  Now the other eye.  Again, not my cup of tea. (Salmaniw, Victoria,
BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1737, 12:50-, NDB aerobeacon KUT Jun 29 Fair reception
with continuous slow CW K-U-T. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 2410, 08:45-, R.Enga Jun 29-30 Noted with poor, but
building strength on the 29th.  I neglected to check on the 30th.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3204.98, 08:55-, R.Sandaun Jun 29-30 Radio West Sepik
(Sandaun) good reception with Tok Pisin.  Following morning, measured on
3204.96.  Did not break for national news at 10:00.  Non-stop island music,
the a Johny Cash piece, and a gospel medley.  Tok Pisin at 10:21, but no
definite IDs noted.  Time check for 20 past 8:00. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC,

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3220, 08:45-, R.Morobe Jun 29-30 Very good reception with
IDs in Tok Pisin.  Following day, monitored them from before 10:00 with
'Let me be there in the morning', then into the national news, but not
until 10:01:45.  Encountered a major problem with echos, which resolved
after the relay ended. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3235, 09:25-, R.West New Britain Jun 29 I'm thrilled to
see that many of the PNG stations have returned.  Now's the time to moitor
them again, as I suspect this is a temporary reversal of the general
decline of SW broadcasting in PNG, owing to national elections. Tok Pisin,
with many mentions of provincial elections, ballot boxes, provincial
administrator William ?, and West New Britain heard numerous times.  Good
reception.  Following morning heard after 0930 with religious hymn, 'Ballad
of St John'.  Full ID noted after the ballad. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3245, 08:45-, R.Gulf Jun 29-30 Fair to good reception with
Tok Pisin about the 4th of July.  Following day noted after 09:30 with much
music and talk, but no definite ID.  Best reception on LSB to avoid QRM.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3260, 09:30-, R.Madang Jun 30 No mention of this station
on the 29th in my log, and specifically noted not on the air on the 30th
after 09:30. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3275, 09:40-, R.Southern Highlands Jun 29-30 Fair
reception with election talk, into local music.  Poor to fair on the 30th.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3290, 09:42-, R.Central Jun 29-30 Poor signal due to heavy
utility interference, but heard with Tok Pisin, into local music.  Fair
reception the following day after 09:30 with the hets eliminated by the
notch filter. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3290, 0907-, R.Central Jun 29 Nice steady S7 to S9 signal
with local guitar and vocals. Lower modulation woman in Tok Pisin at
0909.  Other PNGs audible at this time:  2410 (poor), 3204.96 (Radio West
Sepik good/vgd 1-12),. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3305, 09:45-, R.Western Jun 29-30 Poor reception with Tok
Pisin on the 29th.  The following day, heard at same time with country and
western music at fair to good levels. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3315, 10:49-, R.Manus Jun 29-30 Not on the 29th, but back
on the 30th. National news at 09:00, and also  heard at 10:49 at good to
very good level with C&W music, Tok Pisin with mentions of transparency,
and accountability.  Interviewed Vanuatu's PM, Mr Edward ?.  LSB found to
be best to avoid QRM.  At 10:53 there was a conch shell call, followed by
information about an Australian website cocerning the colonial
legacy.  Local time check, and into western music. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC,

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3325, 2129-, R.North Solomons (Radio Bougainville) Jun
29-30 Not heard on the 29th, but logged after 09:30 with fair reception
with some cochannel interference. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3335, 09:30-, R.East Sepik Jun 29-30 Not on the air on the
29th, nor the 30th. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3345, 09:00-, R.Northern Jun 29-30 NOT heard either
day.  My notes have no reference to this station, so not sure if the
transmitter still exists or not. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3355, 09:50-, R.Simbu Jun 29-30 Strong signal but with
muddy audio with talk, and into western music after open carrier for some
time.  Following morning, again very strong with religious talk re Sarah
and Abraham, and mentions of Christian radio, thank you, Mondai, Number 1
asking in Tok Pisin. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3365, 09:45-, R.Milne Bay Jun 29-30 Not heard on the 29th,
and only came across a weak het on the 30th, so I'm not sure about this
one. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3375, 09:50-, R.Western Highlands Jun 29-30 Good reception
29/6.  Same time on the 30th with Tok Pisin, mentioning private enterprise,
education, white man, Great Britain number one.  ID at 10:43.  National
news at 09:01:40 on the 30th, with switch to local program at 09:14.  Fair
to good. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3385, 10:09-, R.East New Britain Jun 29-30 Heard on both
days.  After the national news relay, reverted to local programming at
10:11 answering a call from the field from a correspondent.  'Hello.  We
have you loud and clear.  Count number 12 ballot box....'  The  language
did not sound Tok Pisin, but rather more likely one of the many indiginous
languages.  Reception was very good, but utterly boring with the counts of
each ballot box.  Apparently (thanks for the information from Don Nelson),
there has been major concern re ballot rigging, due to past fraudulent
results, and so major care was undertaken to prevent this, this time
around. Continued with this same format past 13:11, long after the other
stations had signed off (or faded out). This same count by the box
continued the following day with some utility interference. (Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3395, 09:00-, R.Eastern Highlands Jun 30 No mentions in my
logbook for the 29th, and definitely not on the air on the 30th. (Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3905, 10:00-, R.New Ireland Jun 29-30 Very nice to see
this station back.  Beautiful signal with full ID and time check for 8:00
in Tok Pisin.  Following day heard at 09:30 with just minor ham QRN.  Local
ID, and then a public service annoucement for AIDS:  'Use condoms all the
time'.  A Scottish piece followed. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4890, 09:30-, NBC Port Moresby Jun 29-30 Usual superb
reception on both mornings.  Heard well past 12:00. (Salmaniw, Victoria,
BC, Canada)

PERU 4746.85, 1027-, R.Huanta 2000 Jun 30 Spanish programming at weak
levels, presumed to be this one.  EZL and Andean music, and talk.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

PERU 4826.45, 1033-, R.Sicuani Jun 30 Weak audio in Spanish.  Again a
presumed logging, with two men talking. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

RUSSIA 11840, 0850-, Radio Sakhalin Jun 30 Local ID in Russian, then into American C&W song, Lone Star. Very good. Presume this hour has local programming. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

RUSSIA 17735, 0458-, R.EZRA Jun 30 Final broadcast in the present series,
with usual transmitter tones, and into programming at TOH.  0504 time
check, ID, and mention of program to WCNA.  Good with mild fades.  Latter,
reception becoming more difficult with only a S3 to S5 signal.  At the end
of transmission, mentions he'd like to come back and broadcast perhaps to
Africa.  Unfortunately the late hour for the west coast causes reception to
be highly variable, from excellent to poor.  I found the 2330 transmission
much more dependable.  Thanks John for your efforts. (Salmaniw, Victoria,
BC, Canada)

SOUTH AFRICA 7235, 0400-, ADVENTIST WORLD R. Jun 29 Incredibly strong
signal in African accented English and into religous music.       Track1-7.
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

TANZANIA 5050.1, 0356-, R.Tanzania Jun 29 Poor to fair reception of this
African, with local music, and talk in local language.  Generally a lot of
noise tonight. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

TIBET 4905, 1231-, Tibet Peoples BS Jun 29 Good reception of Lhasa in
either Chinese or Tibetan presumably.  Parallels noted 4920, 5240, and 6200
(all weaker). Rechecked at 12:55 with even better signal, to hear Cuban
music!  Short talk by male, then more traditional Chinese music.  Just
before top of hour announcement by YL and into rather martial sounding
NA.  Followed by further talk by YL and OM. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada)

UZBEKISTAN 17775, 1340-, R.TASHKENT Jun 29 Good reception from Radio
Tashkent in English about economic matters.  Other parallels not heard
today.  Long lists of contact addresses, email, phone numbers!  I suspect
these are business contacts, rather than for Radio Tashkent. (Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada)

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