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EQ GUINEA? 5005  R Bata ,1752  talks by XL in vernacular  followed 
by songs at 1755 At 1800  gongs and XL with talks coud not find ID and 
songs At 1815 talks in  Spanish by different YL ID ( Bata)  and Latin 
pop song  . S10 44433 Liangas 16-3-2005

ITALY 13840  IRRS  Heard music on 1028 Talk by OM on 1100  abut 
nights YL followed Signal marginal USB 15725  with  just faint carrier on 
1100 nothing on 1330 !!Liangas 19-3-2005

unIDed SLBC  15748 ,0  unIDed 1353 oldies , YL in French and English  
lang with short talks in between. At 1400  YL with 7 o clock 28CO2 At 
1410 YL in EG abt China  then with mostly jazz songs S= 0  but at 1410 
S3 and on 1419 with S!  33323 At 1524  with religious program (abt 
Jesus bearing) TFT 'Truth for the world '  with S9 , 33433. An ID  as 'Sri 
Lanka BC 'on 1530  on ..745 and  a hymn and sign off Liangas 19-3-

Djibouti 4780 R Djibuti 2002  quranic preaches , OM in ?? , short trad 
music gap and sign off at 2004 ,  S10 Liangas 20-3-2005

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde 0454 OM with mention of Cuba , reports abt 
Latin Americans and various other news AT TOH  with ID 'rebelde .... 
revolution' then Latin songs Signal S9  43433 New tune in with PL200  
on the city with music and fair signal Liangas 22-3-2005
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 
1102+1103,Tecsun PL200  
, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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