[HCDX] NHK launches ?Peace Archives? of atom bombings
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[HCDX] NHK launches ?Peace Archives? of atom bombings

NHK launches 'Peace Archives' of atom bombings :
(04 August 05)

Japan's public broadcaster, NHK, is distributing English Language 
programmes about the effects of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
during World War II as part of its 'Peace Archives' initiatives.
Until the end of this year, three programmes - The People's Pictures: 
Drawings of the A-bomb Aftermath, The Things We Have Left: Hiroshima 
Warning and Girls in Summer Dresses - will be offered free of charge to 
international broadcasters.
NHK has been making radio and TV programmes about the devastation caused by 
the atomic bombings and the importance of peace in the hope that such 
tragedies will never be repeated.
NHK has also announced plans for its Concert for Peace 2005.
Featuring the Hiroshima Philharmonic Orchestra and World Youth Orchestra, 
the concerts will take place on 6 August in Hiroshima and 9 August in 
Nagasaki. NHK will air the concerts live on TV and via the Internet.
For more information on the Peace Archives initiatives, visit: 
http://www.nhk.or.jp/peace/english/index.html (ABU Website)

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