Re: [HCDX] Radio Poland/Jordan and Eastern U.S. reception
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Re: [HCDX] Radio Poland/Jordan and Eastern U.S. reception

I have heard R Poland here in Connecticut in the morning - but just barely 
(S:2) and not good enough for a report; I'm waiting for a rare propagation 
day for best read.

>From: Stp479@xxxxxxx
>I've been lurking out here for a while and envy some of the rare catches 
>guys and gals? pick out of the air and wonder if anyone in the Northeast of
>the U.S. has heard either Radio Poland or Jordan?  It might just be a quirk 
>living in the Berkshire Hills and 200 miles (124 kilometers) inland but 
>never heard either and current conditions Guarantee it!   I have a 90' 
>wire @ 35' above grade to an ATU and my Realistic DX-150B to give you an 
>for comparisons sake.
>Scott Plantier
>Pittsfield, MA.   USA

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