[HCDX] Radio Cidade Swaziland 1377
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[HCDX] Radio Cidade Swaziland 1377

I am now updating my radio history essay on
The new edition will appear on the web later this fall.
I am researching more in various fields, including what happened to the 
Radio England and Britain Radio transmitters.
It seems the Continental 317-C 50 kW Serial 10(Radio England) ended up 
at Cidade's predecessor Swazi Music Radio and was taken in use there on 
1376/1377 Khz. Does anyone know when?
It seems that the transmitter is still in use by Radio Cidade??
I would like a current picture of it and if possible the transmitter 
site including authorization to use the pics.
Finally, Does anyone know who is now owning the station, and what is 
the mailing address?

best regards

Svenn Martinsen
Radio Historian

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