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Radio Ukraine International.
B05  (30.10.05 - 26.03.06)

Time UTC Freq Txer          Azi   Target

0100-0600 5830 Kharkov 055   Russia
0600-0900 7420 Kharkov  290  W.Europe
0900-1400 9925 Kharkov  277  W.Europe
1400-1800 5830 Kharkov  055  Russia
1800-0100 5840 Kharkov  290  W.Europe
0000-0500 5910 Nikolayev 314  NE America

Power of transmitter in Kharkov 100 kW, in Nikolayev - 500 kW.
Transmission schedules in various languages are as follows:
GERMAN (1 hour): 1800, 2100 and 0000 on 5840 kHz
ENGLISH (1 hour): 2200 on 5840 kHz; 0100 and 0400 on 5910 kHz; 1200 on 9925
UKRAINIAN programmes are transmitted on all frequencies and at all times
except for the time reserved for English and German programmes, as shown
ROMANIAN (half-hour): 1800, 2030, 2200 on 657 kHz (Chernovtsy, 25 kW).

Timetable is subject to change.
On the changes you can learn on the site of radio-company www.nrcu.gov.ua.

(Alexander Yegorov, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.
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