[HCDX] Latin and Caribbean AM band logs from the past "madrugada"
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[HCDX] Latin and Caribbean AM band logs from the past "madrugada"

Hello to all of you !

Report from 
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins                  
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
          H8Y 3M9
Equipment: Sanyo MCD-S830 AM/FM portable with CD player and two tape machines (one for play / recording and the second one for listening only) with internal ferrite bar antenna

I have spent some time last night after sending my report DX'ing. I found a fairly effective way to null out 50 kW local pest CKAC-730 two days ago and tested last night with success. I could get 2 signals on 720 and also at least 1 or 2 Latins behind strong but not excellent (!) remains of nulled CKAC. In addition to that I listened to ZIZ-555 and Radio Progreso-890. All in all, a great night and I went to bed just a bit before 2 AM EST, in the wee hours of what Spanish people would call "madrugada" because it was very early in the morning. Into the logs now:

555 ST. Kitts, ZIZ, Bassettere NOV 19 0444 - Non-stop soca music. Signal was slightly fading in and out but had an excellent peak at tune. Tuned away at 0451. Semi-local CHLN-550 in Trois-Rivières not much of a problem. (Chiochiu-QC)

720t JAMAICA RJR, Kingston NOV 19 0515 - Tentative ! I found a place about the SSW/SSE/NNW/NNW on the internal ferrite bar antenna of my astonishing Sanyo where I got almost excellent reception of adjacent CHWO Toronto without much in the way of adjacent QRM 2 days ago, so I turned around the radio again and immediately had clear as a bell reception of semi-nulled WGN Chiacago with behind them Dancehall reagge and rhythmic R&B mix (played Michael Jackson's You Rock My World at 0524), some announcements in accented English and I thought I heard "Kingston" mentioned at 0533 but comprehensibility was almost nil unfortunately. Completely nulling the powerful WGN signal, killed this into awfull CKAC side-band splatter except on one occasion when it was particularly strong, but I had some CKAC carrer over spill even during dead air that time over the still audible Jamaican signal. YVQE-720 from the much wanted Isla Margarita's "estado Nueva Esparta" assumingly off. An aurora will certainly provide easy and good reception of these guys. (Chiochiu-QC)

730 unIDs NOV 19 0446 - mainly romantic Spanish music with woman announcer, but at 0456 she mentionated "...del alma" in a sort of a short religious speach. Played an anthem at 0600 which was probably the Mexican one, so maybe XEX ? A second station in and out since about 0458, mostly in behind groundwave+skywave mix of nulledas much as possible local CKAC with Portuguese religious talk by a man. He mentioned something that sounded like "Santu Spiritu" on a few occasions. Was it ZYI780 Emisora Rural in Petrolina as reported by Mark Connelly on a few occasions or a PP language domestic ? (Chiochiu-QC) 

890 CUBA, CMDZ, Radio Progreso, Chambas NOV 19 0451 - Spanish pop tune ended, then a very short pgm about the sensitivation to children affected by SIDA in the world (sounded like a PSA). Afterwards, a full ID gived apparently live by a man (without the familiar theme song as it seems to be the case always at 0500, just a quick ID w/ "la onda del alegria" mention), time-check (1:00 AM local) then into a recording of the last monologue made by "nuestro comandante Fidel Castro Ruz" which is what followed. Very good, mostly way atop weak-fair residual WLS. (Chiochiu-QC)

That's it for now !
I need to eat and afterwards do some work on mathematics, but will reply to some personal e-mails withitn a few hours or tomorrow. Would really love to know the source of the Portuguese religious speach heard on 730.
Be the good DX stuff with you !

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