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NEW LOGS . please advise me how the last letter is shown to  you. I 
mean inverted V

CHINA 4970  >?>> 1438 music  Chinese style, YL with CC type  talks 
S4 , 14231 on AM narrow Liangas 29 Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

INSIA 4925 RRI Jambi 1440  with signal S5 !! Phone ins 32333 Liangas 
28 Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

?? 5765 AFN , 1443 adverts Signal abt S2 Liangas 28 Thessaloniki 
Greece R75 2x16Ë

INSIA 15150 VoIndon 1640 with songs . IS in Arabic 34423 Liangas 
28.11 Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë 

INDIA 4830 AIR Kashmir Jammu 1500+   , YL with news in Hindi S7 , 
33433 QRM form digital stream and 
Mongolia Liangas 28,11 Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

4780 Djibuti? 1512 man with news in Arabic S9 , 44434 Also 1535 on 
30 with  arabic pop songs and excellent modulation and S9 45534 till 
1545?  New tune in 1548 QRMed  by Mossad CIO on its upper side   
Liangas 29+30/11   Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

KYRGYZ? 6030 R Maranatha? 1542  with turkic like songs followed by 
talks. Though  signal is fair S9  there is just a  very low modulation and 
some QRM frm same and  nearby stations  that makes 
listening much more  difficult , i had to tune the PBT to maximum 
filtering Also tried 15234, 2.12  with again low modulation  Liangas 
28.11 Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

China 6937 Yunnan PBS 1420  talks by YL , Chinese type  music , talks 
by man , again short music interval After 1430 signal dropped by  
volume over a S2 signal Liangas 1.12  Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

[SUDAN] 8000 V of Sudan 1535 with tribal? drum  songs , OM in arabic 
"seideti .. Sudan" and many mentions  Nice modulation S1 only 22532 
Liangas 1.12  Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

TANZANIA 11735    news in English  read by OM , theme on Ukraine 
on 1808 and on china.  1816 prg in Islam with ID R Tanzania Zanzibar 
and talks in  local language   1837 religious talks by young boy possibly 
Islamic  though Myriam's name is also mentioned  followed by chants    
, 44433 S9 Liangas 2.12  Thessaloniki Greece R75 2x16Ë

NEW WEB PAGES on my site 
-Pieria-TV.html : my TV channel in Katerini 
-ths-trans.html Transmission sites  in Thessaloniki 
-TVRO.html: Important  TVRO instrallations ( big file+pics) 
-DE1103.html  etc  1102 /PL200 /1103 comparative results 
-Bolong.html  a test o old Bolong radio
-Thesfm.htm Update on Fm on thessaloniki 
-De808A.html , my new MP3 player 
-mp3_comp2.htm   new comparison of MP3/WMA codecs 

Please do not send mesages above 400 kB 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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