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[HCDX] two logs from the past night

Report from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
4190 Edward Higgins
H8Y 3M9 Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island)
Quebec, Canada
Sanyo MCD-S830 w/ internal ferrite antenna
Sangean CST-818 w/ long-wire in our interior yard, connected to the enconding cable which was it's self partly connected to the ANT. EXT. jack 

585 SPAIN,   Madrid FEB 15 0202 - Woman in Spanish, poor (SIO 232), fading. (Chiochiu-QC)

5005 GUINEA EQUATORIAL,   Bata FEB 14 2220 - 2300 - African music (highlife / soukous and afropop), announcements in Spanish at several times, s/off w/ anthem at 2300. MUCH better reception than on Monday afternoon, SINPO 44534. I've noted the anthem following the last tune many times with the last announcements being done before the last or two last tunes. I was too preoccupied with the cancer to be attentive this time. (Chiochiu-QC) 

Had a very stressant news yesturday: the BHCG mark went up from indecteable (-0.006) to 5 ! The edge of normality is 2. I HOPE it's a mistake, for exemple, the BHCG was 1.5 and the person who analysated my blood thought it was 5, but I'm still doubtfull.

Otherwise, I may forgot this a bit since the A Index is 0 and I MAY log Norway-1314 tonight or the following one !

Be the good DX w/ U !
Bogdan Chiochiu
"La jalousie est un grand pieux dans l'évolution spirituelle !"
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