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[HCDX] YLE Radio Finland :: old music

   Hi all.

   I remember one night in the mid-1990s when I was tuning around on my old
   radio in Minehead, West Somerset (England) and I came across an English
   broadcast on what turned out to be MW963khz. The station was YLE Radio
   Finland, broadcasting in English to Europe.

   They finn-ished (finished - hehehe) that broadcast with an announcement that
   ran something like: "You're listening to YLE Radio Finland. Thank you for
   joining us today. For listeners in Northern Europe we are now available on
   558 and 963khz MW....."

   That announcement was given against a background of music played by an
   orchestra. I then never found the time for a couple of years to listen in to
   YLE Finland until I managed to purchase a newer Shortwave radio in 1999.
   Sadly, by that time, they had changed the music used.

   Does anyone recall the music I am referring to and, if so:

   a) does anyone have a recording of it? (either live or otherwise)


   b) does anyone know what the piece of music was and where it came from?

   I really miss hearing it and would be glad to get hold of it again if I can.

   Many Thanks for any help on this one.

   Dave Harries,

   Bristol, United Kingdom
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