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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 19

** CHINA [and non]. Lucked out Oct 19 at 1311 check of 10450, two of my
favorites for the price of one: not only Firedrake but 2-way Spanish SSB
zero-beat on the Firedrake! Whee (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Spy letters station on MCW, just like the one previously heard on
5930, was on 5800, Thursday Oct 19 at 0610; however, this one had another
weaker message audible in the background. Or was it an echo, tape
print-through? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. Tuned in 15350 at 1359 Oct 19, and nothing.
Crash-start at 1400 for R. Prague experimental relay in English via Sackville,
Moldau theme (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. RFI English at 1400 on 6120 has lasted one more day,
reconfirmed Oct 19, presumably via Japan. And the carrier SAH from Singapore
always lingers until 1401 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Our celebration Oct 18 of the return after a month of Suara
Indonesia to 9525 was short-lived. Gone again Oct 19, at 1313 and later chex
during that hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA [and non]. Afternoon visitor check Oct 19 at 1329 found on 17690 a
mixture of two stations in Arabic, partly music, SAH and oscillating jamming to
boot (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI [and non]. Happened upon 5995 at 0601 October 19, just as RTV Mali was
IDing in French over a nice interval signal I don`t recall hearing before.
Apparently just at sign-on time. Fair signal and no problem from 6000; Cuba and
WYFR apparently off. However, as I listened further, by 0603 I realized the
noise in the background must be DRM from RTL France, 50 kW, non-direxional, 24
h via Luxembourg on 5985-5995, so here is a case of QRDRM to an innocent analog

** NEW ZEALAND. On Oct 19 at 1351 and also after 1400, RNZI was totally
missing, neither analog on 7145, nor DRM on 6095 audible. Just to be sure
propagation was OK, I checked for RA and there it was on 6020 with IS before
1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. Live from Turkey, Thu Oct 19 on 15450, good reception, from tune-in
at 1255 discussing the upcoming end of Ramadan when they can pig out after
fasting (excuse me, they did not use that expression!). And at 1258 bringing up
perennial caller David Crystal from Israel. He corrected an earlier comment of
his from August about Israel`s bombing of a particular site in Lebanon.
According to him, the targeters made a mistake, and previous reports about what
happened were lies by the Israeli military. Then he was glad that the US
restricts what Israel can get away with, especially Palestinian provocations
which might lead to their genocide. He was trying to get into a third topic
about a ``Mother Swap`` TV show instead of ``Wife Swap`` but they cut him off
at 1308. I must say, the show is handled unprofessionally. There was really no
urgency to cut him off, unless there is an arbitrary 10-minute time limit, so
they could play a bit of music before some more conversation in the studio,
inconsequential except mentioning the new B-06 frequencies for this
transmission which will be one hour later at 1330 on 12035 to Europe (and us,
we hope) and 11735 to Asia. Squoze in a few news headlines, hard to understand
the announcer; only one IS iteration and off by 1320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. KAIJ`s new frequencies, 9975 in the morning and 9895 in the
afternoon, are experimental, and so is the programming carried; don`t expect
any regularity. Perhaps some permanent new frequencies will show up in B-06.
The facility has been neglected and needs a lot of work. The old 100 kW
transmitter may not be up to full power for a couple of weeks, and could be
running as little as 40 or even 20 kW now. The only funxional antenna is the
one aimed NW; the other antennas are unusable and the second transmitter of 50
kW is gone. What they really need is a rebuild from a new site, preferably
closer than Frisco to Dallas where engineering oversight would be available.
13815 is no longer in use and will not be heard again (5 kHz from R. Martí).
Here in the skip-or-not zone, I could not even be sure 9975 was on the air
around 1402 UT Oct 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10475 with Defunct Gene Scott again audible, Oct 19 at 1403,
poor. Is anyone else hearing this? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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