[HCDX] R. La Hora
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[HCDX] R. La Hora

4857, Peru, R La Hora, Cusco; May-26/27 SS 2333 quick speech pattern ads by OM, sports news programme with last soccer games results, “Copa Peru”, outside interview, 2346 ads “importador de acessorios, Comercial Gamarra”, 2351-0004 long segment outside talks, 0006 ID “para todo el Peru, R. La hora”. Fair to good 33333 (LOB-B).


4451, Bolivia, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma; May-27 SS 0026 local Spanish romantic selections, 0043 OM short anmts. 33333 (LOB-B).


4781, Bolivia, R Tacana, Tumupasa; May-27 SS 0046-0053 pop romantic in Spanish music selections, in every mid-song announcer mentions “R. Tacana, directo ao coración, directo ao coración... ”, short anmts every time between the songs. 33323 (LOB-B).


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

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