[HCDX] Logs for Al Muick 14/15 October
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[HCDX] Logs for Al Muick 14/15 October

QTH:  Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:   WinRadio G303e
ANT:  100m longwire

Greetings all.  Another paltry report, but the weekend-day is coming up!

4750  BANGLADESH  Bangladesh Betar heard at 1600 GMT on 14 Oct. in
Bangladeshi with time pips, full ID, short newscast and then music program
of traditional and modern mx.  Brief announcements by OM between songs.
Powerhouse S5 signal.  I was very surprised as I had not heard them at this
strength before.  Checked back at 1900 but they were starting to fade
already.  Maybe propagation was good this day...

6025  IRAN, bloody IRIB with early s/on at 0020 on 15 Oct. in FR.  They're
not supposed to be here until 0030.  The signals pegged the meter, and it
was like I was right next to the tx'er.  When this powerhouse signed on,
they blew out everything +/- 20kHz and flattened the weak signal on 6010
that I was hoping was Bahrain.  The effects of this signal were devastating
and I initially thought I had a receiver failure.  Hope to get another shot
at Bahrain in the next few days.

73s de Al

"Why not use the eye of Big Brother to keep watch for cigarette
flickers and coffee cup tossers? Once we've crossed the threshold of
monitoring the citizenry, does it really matter anymore what we're
monitoring for?"
 - Anonymous

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