[HCDX] New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus
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[HCDX] New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus

New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus

Dear radio friends

I received an email from my good friend at Radio Damascus, Rasheed Haidar, who is heading the English section at Radio Damascus. 

He requested me to send you all, Radio Damascus listeners, his warmest New Year and Seasons' Greetings on behalf of himself, Mr. Adnan Mohammed (the director of Radio Damascus - the external service of Radio Damascus) and everyone else from the Radio Damascus staff. 

"I would like to take the opportunity of the seasons' greetings to wish you on behalf of myself, Mr. Adnan Mohammed and all the staff at Damascus Radio a very Merry Christmas; wishing you and all your love ones many happy returns.

Would you be kind enough to convey this message to all the Damascus Radio Club Listeners everywhere; I would appreciate it very much.

Adnan Mohammed & Rasheed Haidar" 

Best wishes,

Kris Janssen

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