[HCDX] Logs 20+21.12
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[HCDX] Logs 20+21.12

Logs for 20.12
17485 Hamada ??? 1428  talks in an African language  suppose Hausa and 
background music with words spelled letter by letter .Short talks by man 
then a dead carrier in a few seconds with sign off.  Signal S0

9990 RFA  1432  with talks in  Vietnamese  Just S0 .Again  heard on 1436 
on 23.12 with signal S4

Logs  for 21.12

11935 R Veritas?? 1220 woman with  talks in Hmong language After a flute 
play , man with short talks then singing among a group that followed him in 
acapella style . ID then s/off S3 over quite strong QRN

9720 R Thailand 1230 with news in English Fair signal

17680 L V Chrirstiana ?? YL talking about France , then advertisement 1455  
continuous talks by man, seems news reports , 'Compania Real' 150020 
'Noticias '  with news by woman Marginal signal 15332

7295 Traxx FM 1505 with YL with news in English 1510 with headlines then  
songs  S7 max bad audio seems 'companded'

5780 RFA Tibetan 1525 mixed with CNR jammer Signal S9

9310 RFA Tatar Bashkir  via Philippines on 1601 with talks in Tatar (a Turkic 
lang ). A sudden sign off . Rechecked on 1617 with S5 level

9940 unIDed station  with afro pop songs . Recheck on 1624 with very 
lengthy talks by man Signal just S0

13590 CVC Lusaka 1649+ with pop songs 1654 man mentioning their web 
page . About 'historia' (?) then a religious program  Marginal signal above 

9690 R Nigeria 1712 talks by woman in Hausa . drums then e Christmas 
song A discussion between man and woman  S7  s/off 1730* ??

6250 possibly Malabo EQ GUI on 1818  with man in afro VN with very 
lengthy  talks. Signal S5 . Strong QRM by Pyongyang on 6250.5

9345 V of People 1832 with talks by man , a song, YL with talks about ZWE 
mentioned many times, phone in . POB mentioned  on 1856 . s/off 1857 
Strong QRM by R Pakistan on 9340 after ca 1845 Signal S3  with reception 
before 1843 as 23322

9525 TWR SWZ 1904 'This is TWR Swaziland ' Interval signal  repeated 
till1905 Program in an African language , many mentions  of Ladino and 
Bambo A guitar play  S9

15190 R Inconfidencia  1909  talks by OM and YL in Portuguese ON 1912  
with clear ID as Inconfidencia, mention of Brazil and a folk song  . Signal S5 
over S3 noise floor using preamplifier 232x2  some flutter by a co-channel 

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE 
http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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