Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] thoughts on qsl's
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Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] thoughts on qsl's

Lemme try this again, hi.
Willis, I got a big laugh from your WCFL "verie" letter... why did this
yutz waste a stamp to tell you that you should SEND a stamp for a QSL??
Anyway, it does indeed read like an acknowledgement that your report was
correct (that's how I take the "excellent" reference, anyway).  So yes,
I believe you can count it.  

Willis sent a later post with a few more questions--

"If a QSL doesn't have the date of reception and time, is it still a
Those who absolutely insist on "full-data" QSLs with date, time and
frequency and God only knows what else, are living in a fantasy world,
and always have been.  Face facts: I've been QSLing since 1970... and I
would estimate at least 50% of the printed QSL cards I've received over
the years, from domestic AMs as well as international shortwave
broadcasters, lack at least one of those parameters. Most QSL cards from
U.S. AM stations in the 1970s did NOT indicate the time of the reception
on the card, only the date and frequency. If you don't count those, most
of us wouldn't have ANY "countable" QSLs.  And like Pat Martin has said,
you can't expect broadcasters to know what the DXing hobby counts as a
"valid" QSL statement... if, through their reply, it's obvious that they
feel you did hear their station, isn't that enough?
Bottom line: this ain't brain surgery, it's a hobby.

"Is there such a thing as a QSL card being too old?"
Too old for what?  Seriously, why would they "expire" or go out-of-date?
If you heard the station and they confirmed that you heard it, then
that's that, even if the station no longer exists.  To me anyway, that
doesn't eliminate the QSL's "validity."  (But that's using North
American Short Wave Association's rather liberal rules for counting
countries etc.  If "old" QSLs were no longer valid because the station
no longer exists, then no shortwave DXer could count Radio Berlin
International QSLs as the old German Democratic Republic....)

Randy Stewart
Springfield MO

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