[IRCA] TPs for 03-12-07
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[IRCA] TPs for 03-12-07

Listened from 1247-1430 ut

594          Japan, JOAK - weak - 1333 - talk

639          China, CNR1- fair - 1411 - talk

648          Russia, weak - 1247 - music

657          DPR Korea, weak - 1329 -  talk

666          Japan, JOBX -weak - 1314 -  talk

774          Japan, JOUB - weak - 1262 - talk, fair - 1310 - talk

828          Japan, JOBB - weak - 1335 -  talk

1566        Republic Korea, HLAZ - weak - 1340 - talk

1575        Thailand, VOA - weak - 1345 - talk

Carriers & levels:

6)        693
5)        729 873 1098

4)        639 675 738 792 846 891 1008 1053 1377 1422 

3)        549 693 702 711 819 882 1017 1089  1125 1179 1305 1458 1503   
           1557 1593

Surprise of the morning 639 China CNR1 with fair signal // 4460.  Not much splash from Bill Handle on 640 KFI.  

Vancouver, WA
JRC 545 & NW EWE
55.2 F
12.8 C
Light Rain
Local Sunrise 1429 UT
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