Re: [IRCA] Dominican Republic DXing
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Re: [IRCA] Dominican Republic DXing


I DXed from St Lucia in December 2000, and found it to be great fun. As I recall, there were lots of US stations audible at night, but mostly after midnight when some of the Spanish QRM signed off. WRVA-1140 was the strongest US stations, as I recall, but I was also able to hear stations from NYC reasonably well, plus others as far away as Chicago. WSAI-1530 was surprisingly good.

I expect you won't hear many non-US stations in English while in DR, and I'm not sure which island stations are still around. Probably ZBVI-780 or VON-Nevis-860, maybe a couple of others. Bahamas-1540 should be good at night You might also be able to hear a USVI station or two. Most of the Puerto Ricans are in Spanish, but there might be an all news station. My log from that trip is still posted on the web (Courtesy of Mark Connelly) at but many of the stations I heard are now gone.

You might not have much success hearing English language programming on shortwave these days, unless you enjoy listening to fundamentalist preachers, China, Russia or Cuba. That's pretty close to the sum total of English language broadcasts to North America, although you might get lucky and hear a VOA or BBC broadcast to Africa.

Good luck.  I'm interested in hearing how it goes


On 7/17/2011 2:11 PM, Karl Zuk wrote:
I will be visiting the eastern tip of The Dominican Republic this summer.
Any suggestions where I might hear English broadcasting on medium wave?
Any insight regarding what to expect to hear from the US at night?
Are there active stations on medium wave in The Antilles anymore?
Anything you would like me to checkout for you?
Would it be worth it to bring a shortwave portable (Sony ICF-7600) or simply stick with an ultralight AM/FM?
I will not be able to put up any external antennas.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,  Karl Zuk  N2KZ

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