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Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] Is Radio Mobile?

The 1930 US census had a question under the heading of
HOME, ownership, renting, etc.  In Column #9 it asked
about a Radio Set.  (Does the family residing at this
address have a Radio Set?  Y/N)  That question reflects
how important radio was back then!

Perhaps in the year 2020, the 100th anniversary or radio
broadcasting the census may ask a similar question like -
When was the last time your actually listened to a radio?

Or, maybe technology will have advanced far enough to ask
a question like this on a future census - "Do you have a
cell phone with an RF ID chip implanted into the back of
your ear? Y/N"

Tom Jasinski
Joliet, IL

les@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Amazing (to me) article in Radio World magazine today.

 Apparently, lots of people in their 20's and 30's don't
understand that they can access radio outside of their
cars anymore. Increasingly, they consider radio a medium
that works in their cars--and don't realize that portable
or even fixed radios inside the home are an option
anymore. For someone who grew up listening to baseball on
a transistor radio under his pillow, and hiding earphones
in the spines of books during class at school--this is
nothing short of amazing to me.

 Then again, I've noticed that none of the young people
who work for me wear watches either. The "phone" is all
to them.


Is Radio ?Portable? Anymore?

Leslie Stimson,07/16/2014

While Baby Boomers grew up listening to transistor radios,
the youth of today have not, leading to their perception
that the medium isn?t portable. Even if they want to
listen to radio outside the car, they don?t know how.

That?s why consumers age 20 to 39 believe they have little
access to radio outside their cars, and turn to other
sources of audio entertainment when not driving, according
to a study from Coleman Insights conducted in cooperation
with Emmis Communications. When exposed to, and after
using the Emmis-backed NextRadio app, these same
smartphone users said they believe NextRadio would make
radio mobile, allowing them to listen while they do other
things, according to the NAB-funded research.

Coleman Insights President/Chief Operating Officer Warren
Kurtzman, along with Coleman?s knowDigital Division
President Sam Milkman, conducted interviews with 31
Chicago consumers. The market was chosen because stations
in that market have populated the NextRadio platform with

?The idea that radio isn?t mobile is striking,? said
Kurtzman, ?That is, however, the perception among many
consumers in their 20s and 30s and it appears that
NextRadio has a great opportunity to address that

?It?s radio on your phone,? says Kurtzman, who adds that
based on the findings, Coleman recommends a promotional
campaign should be built around this premise and shared
with all participating NextRadio stations. While other
benefits, such as lacking a data plan impact and minimal
battery impact are also important, they will have little
value unless NextRadio is first seen as a source of
portability, he adds.

View a streaming video presentation of the study?s
findings ? the respondents were roughly evenly divided
between men and women. Some 50% were mobile streaming
users and 50% were not. There was also a roughly equal
division between those who had an unlimited smartphone
data plan and those with capped data plans.

This is the first of two releases; the second phase of the
research, a national, representative quantitative study of
18- to 49-year-old smartphone owners on their interest in
NextRadio is due out later this month.
 - See more at:

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