Re: [Swprograms] Today's WSJ Poll: "Which cable news network provides the most accurate depiction of the events in Iraq?"
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Re: [Swprograms] Today's WSJ Poll: "Which cable news network provides the most accurate depiction of the events in Iraq?"

That seems to be consistent with the general trend of findings of other polls on cable news networks.  My kneejerk reaction would be that while WSJ readers are generally rational people, their politics would probably skew a little more to the right than the general population.

Of course, this is a survey of opinions and you know what's said about them..  :-)  Heck, last I saw 43% still think Iraq had a direct connection to 9/11.  So, it would seem that the opinions of Americans generally don't seem to be informed by factual data.

Nonetheless, I too am a bit disturbed that a plurality of Americans find Fox News to be more reliable than the others.  For the most part, I'm getting more and more of my information from foreign sources, so that tells you something about what I think about the cable news networks and the American news media in general.

Of course, you can never have too many sources (IMHO).

John Figliozzi
Heh -- you would think WSJ subscribers are reasonably rational people (well, I am, anyway), but one should be suspicious upon reading the results to date:
CNN 30%
Fox News 56% (egad)
See for yourself here; this might be restricted to WSJ subscribers.
Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA
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