[Swprograms] DW qo' : wa'maH ben chen 'ach wej Doy' http://klingon.dw-world.de/klingon/history.php
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[Swprograms] DW qo' : wa'maH ben chen 'ach wej Doy' http://klingon.dw-world.de/klingon/history.php

8am  Sept 15, 2004
German 'World Service' boldly goes for Klingon news
Michael Leidig 
Wednesday September 15, 2004 The Guardian (London, UK)

The German equivalent of the BBC World Service,
Deutsche Welle, has added a new language to its
global news network by starting to use Klingon.

Star Trek, or Raumschiff Enterprise as it is
known in Germany, has cult status with thousands
of German Trekkies admitting they are obsessed
with the TV series and its various spin-off

The popularity of the show in Germany and abroad
prompted the country's state-run world radio
network to begin offering online reports and
audio clips in Klingon.

The station said the language of the big-browed,
ill-mannered alien characters from Star Trek will
be added to the existing 30 languages they
already use on their homepage.

A spokesman said: "We wanted something special to
commemorate the tenth anniversary of the site."

The Klingon reports on the Deutsche Welle website
are also supposed to underline the station's
philosophy of multicultural, intergalactic

"The dialogue of cultures does not stop at the
edge of the solar system," said the Deutsche
Welle director, Erik Bettermann. "We should
celebrate our 10-year presence in the online
universe with a cross-border language.

"This should help users from other galaxies get
an impression of Germany," he added.

For those not versed in the artificial TV
language created by linguist Marc Okrand, the
website offers an online translation program
called "Mr Klingon", which translates Klingon
news into German and English.

Klingon was created for the television show Star
Trek and has its own grammatical rules and
vocabulary. Works by Shakespeare have already
been translated into Klingon.

The announcement of Deutsche Welle's online news
service in Klingon reads: "DIS 1994 dwelle.de
taghDI' DW, tv online website wa'DIch 'oH.
qaStaHvIS DISmey veb tInchoH 'ej tera'Daq
noyqu'choH DW qo'".


 15.09.04 | 08:21 UTC
- tlhIngan tay
- tlhIngan Segh Dellu'
- Deutschland Dellu'
- tlhIngan ghoj

Language Versions
English Deutsch

DW qo': wa'maH ben chen 'ach wej Doy'

DIS 1994 dwelle.de taghDI' DW, tv online website
wa'DIch 'oH. qaStaHvIS DISmey veb tInchoH 'ej
tera'Daq noyqu'choH DW qo'.

tlhIngan tay
tlhIngan SeghvaD potlh 'oH tay'e'. naDev loQ Dellu'.

tlhIngan Segh Dellu'
tlhIngan Segh tIgh je, 'ach mungDaj qonlu'be'.
Qo'noS yuQ luDab tlhInganpu'. Hov Hop bav yuQvam,
wa'vI'vaghlogh tera' 'aD 'oH.

tlh DunDajmo' pIj pa' ghIQlu'.
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