Re: [Swprograms] CCTV International CCTV-9
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Re: [Swprograms] CCTV International CCTV-9

FWIW, I do agree that there is a fundamental disconnect when we actually sell the Chinese the transmitters they use to jam our broadcasts. Perhaps that could be the point where we demonstrate some displeasure with their actions.

John Figliozzi

On Saturday, October 2, 2004, at 02:40  PM, Glenn Hauser wrote:

Altho my previous suggestion that the US jam CRI in reprisal for China jamming
VOA, RFA, was rather tongue-in-cheek, the more I think about it, the better it
seems, tho it is not likely to happen. Altho it was dismissed out of hand, I
did try to make clear that this would not be an all-out attempt to prevent CRI
being heard by American SWLs, but enough to cause China concern and to waste
some of is resources. Sure, it might escalate, but ``who started it?``.

Any idle IBB transmitters at Greenville or Delano could be used for this,
perhaps to keep them in shape. We don`t need any more bubbles or other digital
types of jamming, but how about some nice, loud American music along the lines
of ``firedrake``? Keep the cobwebs out of the modulators!

Another option would be to pick CRI times and frequencies for DRM tests. Hey,
that`s not jamming, it`s the latest thing in SW broadcasting technology. BTW,
CRI is doing that, too, with little regard for QRM caused to analog

The Chicoms must really think we`re wimps, for allowing them to jam whatever
they like with no consequences, and even sell them the transmitters to do so!

Any deliberate interference by IBB transmitters should be publicly
acknowledged, unlike the usual jamming subterfuges. The interference should be
announced on the air periodically, and by all available media, as ``in reprisal
for Chinese jamming of the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, attempting to
speak to the Chinese people; and will be eliminated as soon as the Chinese
jamming stops.`` Then listeners should be referred to a certain non-jammed CRI
transmission, with time and frequency, as proof that the US is not engaging in
censorship. Say, one of the crummy Cuban relays.

Nor am I suggesting that CCTV-9 or any other satellite TV service be jammed or
prevented; that would really open a can of worms (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

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