[Swprograms] (ot):where to find discussion or reviews of analog SW portables
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[Swprograms] (ot):where to find discussion or reviews of analog SW portables

The best site I've found for radio reviews and discussions is 
Go to


They have a home page with all sorts of good radio news and pointers/links 
recent reviews and then a sub-heading with tons of reviews of all sorts of 

I particularly recommend the comparative reviews of multiple small 
there's several of those and analog models are included in some, in addition 
stand-alone reviews of an assortment of analog models along with the many
reviews of digital models. I find more info on the new Chinese models here 
anywhere else.

Note that if you print them out you usually have to do it in "landscape" 

Re the reference to the Grundig S350 that was in a followup in this thread:
First off, that's digital-readout of an analog-tuning circuit. Also, it is 
and thus produces tons of images at odd frequencies in addition to the 
fundamental. It is physically a little large for a travel radio but it DOES 
have the
reputation of having better sound than many other radios. It is available 
Heartland America in a refurb version for $69.95; there is also a 
version (the original Chinese manufacurer) that is discussed at RadioIntel 
and which
can be bought off eBay and such sources.

Another dealer that handles an assortment of newer Chinese radios is 
and they do have the advantage of being a regular business instead of some 
of the
dealers who sell via eBay, if that matters. There are a number of analog 
sets on their
website:  http://www.radios4you.com

Hope this is of help!

Will Martin

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