Re: [Swprograms] RCI Portuguese
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Re: [Swprograms] RCI Portuguese

> As of last season, I believe RCI was only producing one show a week in 
> Portuguese, resulting in it being repeated many times. I hope that RCI isn't 
> simply repeating the same 30-minute program four times a day for three days. If 
> this is so, I say cancel the Portuguese service on SW and reclaim those twelve 
> hours of transmitter time (0.5 hour x 4 transmission x 2 freqs x 3 days) for the 
> RCI English service, for which there seems to be a lot of demand in the U.S., if 
> only for relaying more CBC programs.
> Ricky Leong
> Calgary
> -- 
	No, CBC already has their own sw transmitters,
	they just need to boost the power and add some
	new directional antennas.
	They don't need the RCI transmitters.

	Portuguese is important to the large Lusophone
	community of Brazil, Cape Verde, Africa, and 
	the Azores.

	There are a couple of newspapers recently 
	opened up in Portugese/English as the community
	flourishes beyond the Portugal and Azorean 
	foundings to include the Macanese, and the 
	Brazilians (biggest country, but not Spanish,
	in Latin America)

(validos ati 29/10/2005) 
Vocjs podem ouvir o Canada Direto por ondas curtas, ao vivo, todas as sextas-feiras `s 20:00 UTC (17:00 horario de Brasmlia) pelas freq|jncias 15165 ou 17860 kHz. 
O programa i reprisado `s sextas-feiras em dois horarios: `s 21:00 UTC (18:00 Brasmlia) pelas freq|jncias 15165 ou 17860 kHz; e `s 22:00 (19:00 Brasmlia) pela freq|jncia 17860 kHz.  

Aos sabados e domingos, o Canada Direto i reprisado em dois horarios: `s 22:30 UTC (19:30 Brasmlia) pelas freq|jncias 11825 ou 15455 kHz; e `s 23:30 UTC (20:30 Brasmlia) pelas freq|jncias 11825 ou 15455 kHz. 
Vocjs podem ouvir o "Canada Direto" pela Internet, a qualquer hora, todos os dias da semana. Os programas anteriores sco arquivados e tambim podem ser ouvidos no site.
======  very crude machine translation from

SCHEDULES and FREQUENCIES (valid up to 29/10/2005) 

Vocjs can hear "Direct Canada" for short waves, to the living creature, all the fridays to the 20:00 UTC (17:00 schedule of Brasilia) for 17860 frequencies 15165 or kHz. 

The program is reprisado to the fridays in two schedules: to the 21:00 UTC (18:00 Brasilia) for 17860 frequencies 15165 or kHz; e to the 22:00 (19:00 Brasilia) for frequency 17860 kHz. 

To Saturdays and sundays, "Direct Canada" is reprisado in two schedules: to the 22:30 UTC (19:30 Brasilia) for 15455 frequencies 11825 or kHz; e to the 23:30 UTC (20:30 Brasilia) for 15455 frequencies 11825 or kHz. 

Vocjs can hear "Direct Canada" for the InterNet, at any time, every day of the week. The previous programs are filed and also they can be heard in the site.

	And consider that they don't have much staff
	and are often reduced to sight-translations
	of the daily newspaper, as with the poor
	Chinese service.

	One staffer and some stringers in Tronna and
	Locugco e diregco:  Hector Vilar
	Colaboragco:  Cris Medeiros
 	    Gisele Dutra (Vancouver) 
 	    Leila Monteiro Lins (Toronto)

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