Re: [Swprograms] Radio Romania International - "the issue of ceasing the short-wave broadcasts"
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Re: [Swprograms] Radio Romania International - "the issue of ceasing the short-wave broadcasts"

Sounds like that the countries that can budget SW have decided that this a place they can cut budgets. The countries that can't afford their own SW just happen to be the ones that need SW the most. A loss-loss on both sides. 
The assumption that the Second world can balance their budgets by ignoring the Third world leaves out a whole group of people that the First world decided to ignore years ago. 
It won't be long before the US, Canada and Europe will be blindsided by those they ignore under the guise of "fiscal Restraint."

-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Terry <miketerry73@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Jun 13, 2012 12:15 PM
>To: "shortwave-radio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <shortwave-radio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: "shortwaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <shortwaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "odxa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <odxa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [Swprograms] Radio Romania International - "the issue of ceasing	the short-wave broadcasts"
>13 June 2012
>From DXLD:
>Today during a press conference the Romanian President Traian Băsescu said this:
>"I can tell you that the Presidency made ​​an intervention related to Radio Romania last week, when they raised the issue of ceasing the short-wave broadcasts, which would affect the reception for those who live abroad."
>I didn't find any other information regarding this subject, but what the President said makes me think the end of SW broadcasts from RRI may be near.
>Tudor Vedeanu
>(Gura Humorului, Romania)
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