Hard-Core-DX.com: SWB issue 1918 now available for download

SWB issue 1918 now available for download

Sunday, February 24 2019

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Station news
- Pirate QSL?s from Harold Frodge
- Rádio Mayrink Veiga QSL's from Henrik Klemetz
- Trincomalee transmitter
- Bolivian Miners? Radio Station Documentaries
- DD3ZE Frank Vornast bietet 10-fach und 4-fach-antennensplitter an
- Veerteilanlage beim Radiofreunde NRW
- Kurzwellen Antennenverteiler
- Old QSLs from the collection of Lars Rydén & Stig Skogsberg
- Explanation of SINPO/SINFO ( [WOR] )
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1918.pdf

