Hard-Core-DX.com: JRX Logs: April 2-3, 2019

JRX Logs: April 2-3, 2019

Sunday, April 07 2019

JRX Logs: April 2-3, 2019
Receiver (s): Degen DE1103
Antenna: Longwire made by myself

** 4950. Apr 3, 2019. 0310-0320, Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos-AGL, in Portuguese. A musical program with angolan songs, presented by male announcer; ID. Very poor reception after many times out in my area, noises and fades, 25322 (in certain momments, 25321).

** 880. Apr 2, 2019. 0507-0515, Radio Inconfidencia, Contagem-MG. Program "Memoria Nacional": Songs years 70, 80 and 90, successes; ID and programming announcements. Fair reception, 35433.
** 930. Apr 2, 2019. 0453-0503, Radio Liberdade, Aracaju-SE. Relaying a Radio Bandeirantes of Sao Paulo: Male and female announcers talk news; Meteorological time conditions; ID, website; Commercial and programming announcements. Good reception this dawn, 45444.** 980. Apr 2, 2019. 0348-0359, Radio Nacional de Brasilia, Brasilia-DF. Mr. Adelzon Alves and your program "Madrugada Nacional". Good reception this night, rare in my area, 45444.
** 1280. Apr 2, 2019. 0243-0330, Radio Sanhaua*, Bayeux-PB. This night, relaying a programming of Radio Nacional de Brasilia. Mr. Mauricio Rabello presents a variety program "Eu de cÃ, vocà de lÃ! " (I`m over here, you`re over there! Says Glenn Hauser!): News, listenerÂs messages end entertainment; 0300 ID and a space "Nacional Informa": breaking news and call signs of all EBC stations; Mr. Adelzon Alves starts a program "Madrugada Nacional" (National Dawn), with a genuine brazilian rhythms, for example: Samba, Chorinho, Catira and others.Â* Station in my metropolitan area, with a excellent reception, 55555.

** 11995. Apr 3, 2019. 1007-1022, Trans World Radio Guam-KTWR, Agana-Merizo-GUM, in English. Pastor makes a christian preaching and talks about Bible and Jesus, all in slow english; A song, female talks; 1022 Ends a program. Reception with good signal and fair modulation to this TRW Asia edition, 45433.

** 9790. Apr 3, 2019. 0141-0150, Radio Romania International, Galbeni-ROU, in Romanian. Male talks and next female announcer makes a interview with a romanian citizens; ID. RRI with good signal and fades, 45433.

** 6015. Apr 2, 2019. 0440-0450, Zanzibar BC, Dole-TZA, in Swahili. News, presumably, by female voice. Reception with fair signal, noises and poor modulation, 35322.

** 9870. Apr 3, 2019. 0106-0140, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in Spanish. "Noticias de la Jornada" by female voice; 0112 "La Prensa Turca de Hoy": turkish news in a local press; 0115 "Titulares de la Prensa Internacional": turkish news in a international press; 0119 "Hoy en la Historia"; 0135 A turkish song. Very good reception this night in Cabedelo, 45554.

** 9955. Apr 3, 2019. 0200-0229, WRMI-Radio Praga, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. Mr. Fred Valverde presents "Radio Praga News"; 0205 Female announcer comments about the 6th anniversary of Vaclav Havel's death; 0212 Development of the czech exports; ID, website, e-mail and a czech song. Good reception, 45444.
** 9955. Apr 3, 2019. 0230-0259, WRMI-Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, Okeechobee-FL, in Spanish. Program "Eslovaquia Hoy": News, meteorological bulletin; "Dia de los pasaros migratorios": Celebrated in Slovakia on this date- a report by female announcer; 0256 A slovak song. Good reception, 45444.
** 10000. Apr 3, 2019. 0302-0310, WWV Colorado, Fort Collins-CO, in English. Time Signal Station where male announcer says a UTC hour each a minute and time pips with a 1 sec of duration, 60 per a minute. Reception fair audible, 35553.

** 5915. Apr 2, 2019. 0432-0439, Zambia NBC-Radio 1, Lusaka-ZMB, in Vernacular. Male talks; 0437 A brief song and male talks continues. Reception with fair signal, noises, fades and slight muffled audio, 35322.

JRX_Jose Ronaldo XavierÂ
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)

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