Hard-Core-DX.com: Radio Truth on Air

Radio Truth on Air

Tuesday, June 18 2019

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

De: "Édgar Madrid" <radioverdad5@yahoo.com>

Enviado: 18/06/2019 1:43:32
Asunto: Radio Truth on Air

I have good news: Radio Truth is on the air with full power.
After some checking, I decided to start transmitter. When I put power
on, there happened a strong explosion on Module B, but transmitter went
on the air with 300 watts power. Then I installed a spare Module, and it
came on t6he air with full power.

I still need to get the 15 A, 600 V. thermal fuse though. I adapted a
regular 15 A, 250 V fuse for the mean time. That,s a very dificult fuse
to get in Guatemala.

I will keep you informed. May God bless you.

Édgar Amílcar Madrid
Radio Truth
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