Hard-Core-DX.com: �indows-1252?q23217 Reception in São Bernardo SP, �indows-1252?q? BRAZIL - February 22, 2020

�indows-1252?q23217 Reception in São Bernardo SP, �indows-1252?q? BRAZIL - February 22, 2020

Saturday, February 22 2020

February 22, 2020 (Time in UTC)
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL - São Bernardo SP)
Antenna: PA0RDT Mini Whip
BRASIL: 860 kHz Radio Cidade, Fortaleza CE, Portuguese, 20/02 2301.
Announcements, id ‘Radio Cidade... esporte é na Cidade’, sport news 35543
(RG). Nice signal received in São Bernardo SP.

BRAZIL: 11780 kHz Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, Portuguese, 22/02
1340. Female communication, ‘Ponto de Encontro’, male talk (phone-in). 35553
(RG). Tx w/0° Az to Northern Brazil.
BRAZIL: 11895 kHz Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, Porto Alegre, Portuguese,
22/02 1415. ‘Estamos apresentando, o Poder da Fé’, female communication,
‘Boa Vontade, religião do terceiro milênio’. 25552 (RG). Tx w/336° Az to
Northwestern Brazil.
CHINA: 11610 kHz China Radio International, via Kunming, Bengali, 22/02
1310. Male and female communication, interview with OM (phone-in). 35543
(RG). Tx w/270° Az from Kunming to Northern India.
INDIA: 11560 kHz All India Radio, Bengalore, Dari, 22/02 1317. Male
communication. 25542 (RG). Tx w/325° Az to Asia.
KUWAIT: 11630 kHz Radio Kuwait, Sulaibiyah , Arabic, 22/02 1420. Male
communication, songs in Arabic language. 25532 (RG). Tx w/230° to
Northeastern Africa.
MADAGASCAR: 15150 kHz Adventist World Radio, via Talata-Volonondry, Punjabi,
21/02 1505. Punjabi language program to India. Song and instrumental music
in Indian style, message by male voice. 25552 (RG). Tx w/35° Az from
Madagascar to India.
PHILIPPINES: 11695 kHz Voice of America, via Tinang, Cambodjan, 22/02 1426.
Male and female communication, instrumental music, sign-off on 1428. 25552
(RG). Tx w/270° Az do Southeastern Asia.
PHILIPPINES: 11825 kHz FEBC, Bocaue, Tibetan, 22/02 1323. Female
communication, song (eQSL from this tx received in 2018!). 25542 (RG). Tx
w/325° Az from Bocaue to Tibet region.
SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE: 11980 kHz Deutsche Welle, via Pinheira, Hausa, 22/02
1329. Male communication, DW jingle, News bulletin. Song in African style.
25542 (RG). Tx w/0° Az to Western Africa.
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com
YouTube: GrimmSBC

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