Hard-Core-DX.com: Reply from mystery 21

Reply from mystery 21

Thursday, March 26 2020

After nearly  1,5 day!

Dear SWL,

thanks a lot foryour detailed reception report again!

We are reallysurprised to learn how many people can listen to us all over Europe and fromSiberia to the East Coast oft he United States. Inspite of the World Wide Webpeople still enjoy listening on shortwave, and like us they are fascinated bythe myth of wave propagation. That explains the name of our station„Mystery21“.

We have been onair for many years, but we are newcomers on shortwave. We chose the 60m bandbecause oft the variety of propagation conditions: short distance in Europeduring the day and DX after sunset.

Our equipment iscompletely homemade and we are testing with 1,2 KW PEP from 8 relatively cheapmosfets and a simple inverted V dipole antenna installed at 25 meters above thesoil.

We use soundprocessing with an optimod pc card and with stereo tool. Our bandwidth is alittle bit higher than with most commercial stations.

We apologize fornot having any printed QSL cards at the moment. Considering the high number ofreception reports we are thinking about E-QSL.

You will findfurther information and pictures on our facebook site. There you will also findour webstream during the transmissions. If you like, you can join our facebookgroup.


Mystery21 – The Spirit of Music


Stay tuned andenjoy listening on shortwave, especially on the 60m band.

We are lookingforward to hearing from you again.

After 1.5 day!





Mystery21 team




Hard-Core-DX mailing list

