Hard-Core-DX.com: SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1167 April 4

SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1167 April 4

Saturday, April 04 2020

SWLDXBulgaria News April 4 (publications №23457-№23467)
CUBA Fair signal of Radio Habana Cuba in 60mb April 4
till 0500 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba Spanish
from 0500 on 5040 BAU 100 kW / 083&263 to Cuba

DX RE MIX NEWS # 1167 April

GERMANY(non) Radio Waves International via Channel 292, April 4
0700-0800 on 6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu Eng/Fre Sat,

GERMANY(non) Reception of Dandal Kura Radio International via MBR
Nauen April 4
0700-0800 on 13590*NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri Daily, weak to
fair signal
0800-0812 on 13590#NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf AGAIN OPEN CARRIER AND
0812-0900 on 13590 NAU 125 kW / 185 deg to CeAf Kanuri Sat only,
fair/good signal
*till 0730UT 13590 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to EaAf Arabic A-20 PARS TODAY
#from 0830UT 13590 ZAH 500 kW / 289 deg to EaAf Arabic A-20 PARS TODAY
VIRI IRIB.https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/reception-of-dandal-kura-radio.html

PHILIPPINES Summer A20 shortwave schedule of PBS Radio
Pilipinas, but before final version of HFCC Database was
Between March 19 & 29 all A20 registrations are deleted.
Probably AGM PBS Radio Pilipinas gone shortwave

ROMANIA(non) Radio City The Station of the Cars via Saftica, April 4
0800-0900 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, good

SAUDI ARABIA Reception of BSKSA Holy Quran Sce in 19/25mb on April 4
0559-0857 on 15380 RIY 500 kW / 310 deg to N/ME Arabic HQ, good signal
0859-1157 on 11935 RIY 500 kW / 310 deg to N/ME Arabic HQ, good signal
Summer A20 schedule of BSKSA/Radio Saudi Int & other can be found

SUDAN(non) FPU Radio Dabanga via Santa Maria di Galeria and Talata on April 4
0429-0457 on 7315 SMG 250 kW / 151 deg to EaAf Darfur Arabic, very good signal
0429-0457 on 11650 MDC 250 kW / 335 deg to EaAf Darfur Arabic,
fair/good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/fpu-radio-dabanga-via-santa-maria-di.html

TAIWAN(non) A-20 of Radio Dap Loi Song Nui Vietnam Democracy

U.K.(non) Summer A-20 frequency change of Radio Ranginkaman/Radio

VATICAN(non) Summer A-20 transmission of Radio Veritas Asia via SM
di Galeriahttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2020/04/summer-20-transmission-of-radio-veritas.html


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire

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