Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs June 16-17, 2020

Glenn Hauser logs June 16-17, 2020

Wednesday, June 17 2020

** AUSTRIA [and non]. 5930v, June 17 at 0030, LAH from two signals,
about 40 Hz either side of 5930.000, one of them talk in unID
language; helped by absence of WWCR-3 from 5935 until carrier on at
*0036, and deadly Gene Scott modulation cut on at 0041. After that to
avoid splash, LSB tuning preferred. 0105 recheck, only one very weak
signal circa 5930. EiBi and Aoki/NDXC agree that the only thing on
5930 is BBC Dari via Moosbrunn at 0030, but supposed to continue at
0100 in Pashto. Is the Moosbrunn site now subjected to
offfrequenciness or other problems? Or could transmissions have been
shifted to another site more capable of inaccuracy, such as UAE? As of
16 June, HFCC still shows Austria, 300 kW at 95 degrees (Glenn Hauser,

** CANADA. 413-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0620 UT, dash and YHD, 250 watt NDB
at Dryden, Ontario; presumably what I copied as YHM.

382-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0623, dash and YPL, 1000-watt NDB at Pickle
Lake, Ontario. Storm noise level not bad tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CHINA. CNR1 jammer survey, June 16 at 1347-1355; some JBA carriers
or VP, some stronger with S-readings: 14920; 13920 S4-S6; 13160;
13070; 13020 stronger; 12880 S5-S8; 12550 S5-S8; 11460; 11440; 11170
S3-S5; 11150; 11100; 11070; 10820.

At 1429: 16100; 15110 S9/+10; 14850 S8-S9;

14500, June 16 at 1435, S5-S7 of open carrier, suspected another of
these as it is on the Aoki/NDXC roster of *jammed SOH frequencies
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13572, 13636; 13764, 13829 approx., June 16 at 1344 and still
1436, extremely distorted spurblobs out of 13700-AM RHC; the inner
ones much stronger than the outers; with F# tone. Something`s always
wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE. 7390, June 16 at 0526, RFI French with self-imposed beepery
QRM, instead of upon an Algerian relay (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, June 16 at 2227 check amid English hour to North
America, not a signal from Voice of Turkey, where something`s always
erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 420-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0618 UT, 25-watt NDB, FQ at
Fairmont, Minnesota; I was tuned to 418-USB.

415-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0619 UT, 25-watt NDB, IY at Charles City,

408-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0620 UT, 25-watt NDB, JDM at Colby -
Wheatfields, Kansas.

395-MCW kHz, June 16 at 0621 UT, 25-watt NDB, ULS at Ulysses, Kansas.
Storm noise level not bad tonight; also got a couple from CANADA, q.v.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 14914-USB, June 16 at 1432, YL voice briefly, beep and
off, in Civil Air Patrol style, nothing more in the next minute.
One of a huge roster of CAP frequencies in the February 2020 CIDX
Messenger, labeled ``Net 1`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 28264-CW, June 17 at 0019, JBA beacon fading out and in,
DE AB8Z/B PARMA --- as listed in 10m roster:
i.e. in QRZ.com: AB8Z USA flag USA Primary only for: AB8Z/B

28415-USB, June 17 at 0024, WA3PBL /fonetik/ calling CQ 10, QRZ, only
phone signal on band:


``Chris is a Broadcast engineer and has tweaked the knobs on many
broadcast transmitters. He enjoys building, tinkering, and playing
with all sorts of RF gear, antennas, and computers. Loves Dxing,
working the low bands and frequents 160 meters. During the latest
solar Cycle, Chris managed to fill in a few remaining blanks and
completed the ARRL Five band DXCC award 80 through 10 meters! The
transmitter photo is one of the original transmitters used at KDKA
through the early 1970's along with a few other pics from the KDKA
archives shown below. Scroll down the page to see various photos from
around the WA3PBL ham shack along with a few pics of the antenna farm.
The main 160/80 meter transmit antenna consists of a 3- wire shunt fed
unipole built around the Rohn tower supporting the legendary Moseley
TA-33 tri-bander. Thanks for stopping by ! smiley
73' - Chris WA3PBL.`` . . .

HF sporadic E but nothing caught into VHF FM band today (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [non]. 7460, June 16 at 0526, S9/+10 African language,
mentions Somali, also with bits of French voiced-over, but chopped off
the air in mid-word at 0529*; there was also some noise on the
carrier. It`s VOA in Kinyarwanda via BOTSWANA at 0500-0530 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 4840, June 16 at 0613, dead air from WWCR-3. TOMBS is
supposed to start at 0600 M-F; was it dead clear thru until 1200? One
can only hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0243 UT June 17
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