Hard-Core-DX.com: VOA Will Sound Like Trump

VOA Will Sound Like Trump

Monday, June 22 2020

VoA, sad, sad, this decline of a once valued radio voice.
A listener from the past 70 years of a once great nation radio medium.
73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Hardison" <greghard@hotmail.com>

Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] VOA Will Sound Like Trump

"... No one knows exactly why this has happened...." It should be obvious
to anyone smarter than a grape. This could only be a shortcut to the
creation of the Voice Of Trump. The firing of Libby Liu could only be a
bone thrown to Xi, in exchange for his hoped-for help to get Trump
re-elected. The Rethugnicans have taken pages from the old Soviet playbook:
voter suppression and the fixing of "elections", the blatant use of cronyism
and nepotism, and now the conversion of international broadcasting into a
pro-Trump propaganda machine. I'm still not convinced we won't eventually
hear Alex Jones' raspy voice befouling the VOA airwaves; maybe we'll later
see the right-wingers listening with admiration to Steve Bannon extolling
the virtues of the white race. Anything is possible with Trump at the
helm, backed by his squad of sycophants in the Senate and in the courts.
And I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I can easily see Trump *actually* being
elected this time around, leading to God-knows how many more years of
kakistocracy ruling over the United States.
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