Hard-Core-DX.com: WBCQ off frequency

WBCQ off frequency

Monday, March 07 2022

USA  On March 7 at 01.07 UT checked a tiny -108dBm signal in Maine state
remotedly (but because lack of antenna in use there.)

In Rochester NY state much stronger at S=6 or -93dBm, nice audio though
at 01.25 UT, all on 7490.091 kHz on the upper flank.

USA  and WBCQ also S=9+10dB or -73dBm signal on

6159.944 kHz at 01.36 UT on March 07 +too, noted on SDR in Detroit MI
state, chorus and single lady singer.

Audio quality not bad for such amateurish equipment and log-periodics.

73 wb df5sx

