Hard-Core-DX.com: 11-14/4


Friday, April 15 2022

this text below is part of the full listings of the page https://wp.me/pcMZHt-9Hplease visit it to get the most of the news

9370 Farda radio 1114 unprogrammed transmission (?) in eibi noticed in HFCC as USAGM only Nice pop songs with ID at 1115 S29 in Albertirsa poor in Austria ..via Germany?
15770 RAE? 1128  program in English ID after the song then program in French S9 -]]
13264 Shannon  meteo 1131 with weather forecasts
15550 ?? in Korean 1208   with talks  voice is rather sad. VoMartyrs? NO entry in eibi nor hfcc
15565 1215 with pop songs VoA in Burmese notice in eibi Strong in Kuwait , not in Hungary
15920 15970 16160 freqs for CNR jammer against SoHope 1220
17490 CGTN  is also well received in Kuwait with S20 sgnal
17860 very good in Dubai S20 signal for Kuwait in Pilipino

In Bandung and Philipines: 
9840 VoVietman is heard well in BD (S10) , poor in PHL (S5)with program in English and news Waterfall shows clear freq in RTMS on 9835
9820 Baibu Bay 1247 program in Vietnamese Good in bandung poor in PHL

7375 NHK  with son dancing queen at 1727 signal 81/10 on PL330 talks in Japanese then again with old pop songs
4010 Kyrgyz radio with just a carrier , no modulation mixed with the high ;local noise at 1718

Technical Radio monitor
https://bit.ly/34NEBpc why SDR is better
https://bit.ly/3Ii7xn8   Focus on Ukraine notices  - everyday updates
https://linktr.ee/zliangas all my pages

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