Hard-Core-DX.com: Greek music refuge : the fiorst greek program by a non greek! via R Angela

Greek music refuge : the fiorst greek program by a non greek! via R Angela

Saturday, July 02 2022

R Angela WBCQ  has been received in various outlets  today Jun2 starting via Twente with poorsignal – as tested in my smartphone  thenin Michel few ChaintsCanada  Vermont USA and finally EastFalmouth with S10+ signal with real QRN and strong selective fading startingfrom 0210 on the program Orwellian Airwaves WithLainie Petersen

Greek music refugestarted on 0230 with a instrumental buzuki play , minimal talks by Bill Tillfordairing 7 songs in total mixing eras of all times

Interestingbut short timed program .Hope trat someone can sponsor this program soon and enlarge its duration

Kudosto Bill for his endavour


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